Page 67 - ALG Issue 2 2021
P. 67

                                   “Care and Share”
After the initial worry that we may not be able to tend our allotments, we eventually got all-clear from the Welsh Government. Following the guidance
of the National Allotment Society, the site was put into lockdown with only members and associate members, plus anyone living with them, allowed on site. All the COVID-19 guidelines were strictly followed making the site as safe as possible to visit.
With some members unable to get to their plots either due to shielding or, in
the case of our Chairman, being stuck in New Zealand, we asked the members for help to look after these plots. Three of our associate members (those on the waiting list) who had been self-isolating stepped up to the mark and came along to help with planting and keep the weeds under control. Inspections were postponed and we adopted a new motto of “Care and Share”.
Key workers, who were finding it hard to have time to tend their plots, received help from other plotholders.
 Dennis Evans with some of the plants he received from other plotholders
    Apples collected on site are taken to the cider factory
...all in all it was an interesting time
One new plotholder with a particularly demanding job was totally overwhelmed by the help she received. Not only was her plot weeded and dug over, but she also received enough free plants to have it all planted up for her. This enabled her to just come along and unwind at the end of a stressful day.
Ironically, one former member of the Beaumaris Lifeboat crew, who had to self-isolate, had his plot tended by a current member of the crew who was on the waiting list.
Plotholders who are normally working during the week spent so much time on their plots that some looked better than they have for years. So, all in all it was an interesting time.
Our “Care and Share” theme continued, with anyone who had spare produce being asked to share to ensure nothing went to waste. Windfalls were collected to be made into cider ready to share once we are able to start having social events. Unfortunately, all our usual events have had to be cancelled, although we did manage a Plant Swop, with everyone queuing at a 2m distance. With nurseries closed, sharing plants became even more important.
Like most allotment sites we have had a lot of applications for plots so the next few months will be busy.
  Current RNLI crew member Will Roberts (left) tended the plot of former RNLI crew member Dave Jones
Allotment and Leisure Gardener 67

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