Page 5 - Simply Vegetables Winter 2020/21
P. 5

                                THE NATIONAL VEGETABLE SOCIETY
Renewal / Application
Mr, Mrs Ms, Miss ............................................................................................................................................................ (name)
................................................................................................... Postcode ..............................................................................
Telephone ............................................................................. Membership No. if renewal:..........................................
email: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................
Please accept my membership application for 12 months subscription to the National Vegetable
Society. I enclose a cheque/postal order/standing order for £..................................................................................
Payable to “National Vegetable Society” (not “NVS”)
If renewal, please send to the relevant Branch Membership Secretary as listed on the right. If you are not sure, please check your membership number against the number ranges listed against each Branch.
New members ONLY, please complete and return to:
Ms Fiona Shenfield FNVS, 4 Canmore Street, Kinghorn, Fife KY3 9RH
Tel; (01592 890 284), email:
If renewal, please send to the relevant Branch Membership Secretary as listed on the right
 Branch Membership Secretaries
MIDLANDS (10000 TO 19999)
Ruth Bleasdale
Tel: 01296 655375 48a Station Road, Quainton, Bucks, HP22 4BT rbleasdale@
NORTHERN (20000 TO 29999)
Judith Park
Tel: 01539 443802 Three Oaks, Ambleside Rd, Windermere, Cumbria LA23 1EU
SCOTTISH (30000 TO 39999)
Fred Stewart FNVS
Tel: 01224 781309 Penny Lane, Redmyres, Portlethen, Aberdeenshire
AB12 4RR
SOUTHERN (50000 TO 59999)
Neil Hope, FNVS,
Tel: 07761 664567
53 Frogmore Park Drive, Blackwater, Camberley, Surrey, GU17 0PJ
WELSH (40000 TO 49999)
Gareth Morris,
Tel: 07812 969350 Oakwood, Tynycestyll Road, Glynceiriog, Llangollen LL20 7NL
Juniors (up to 16yrs)...............................£ 5.00 Individuals .............................................£20.00 Couples.................................................£22.00
Affiliated Society....................................£22.00 Educational Establishments...................£15.00 Society Medal & Card.............................£ 7.60
Name of Charity:
THE NATIONAL VEGETABLE SOCIETY Registered Charity Number 1088979
Details of donor:
Title: .................................................................................. Forename(s):...................................................................... . Surname: ............................................................................................................................................................................ Address: .............................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................. Postcode:.............................................................................. Telephone:.......................................................................................................................................................................... Email: ....................................................................................................................................................................................
I want the charity to treat (delete as appropriate)
• my annual subscription
• the enclosed donation of £ ..................
• all donations I have made since 22nd October 2014, and all donations I make from the date of this declaration until I notify you otherwise.
as Gift Aid donations.
Signed:............................................................................ Date: ........................................................................................
IMPORTANT – Membership renewals, Direct debit, Gift Aid & Standing Orders
Manual renewal - Included in your previous SV (autumn 2020 edition) was a flier - your Membership Renewal Form for 2021.
If you are continuing with manual payment, please can you ensure that you return your form and cheque to your relevant Branch Membership Secretary as listed on the Form and please make any cheques out to “National Vegetable Society” (not NVS).
Direct Debit - Ideally, we would like to encourage as many of our members as possible to sign up to Direct Debit. You can now also renew online or set up direct debit payment online too via our new website.
We really urge you to change to payment using direct debit to give you less hassle in having to remember each year to renew our membership, plus it lessens the workload on our volunteer membership Secretaries.
Renewal online - You can also renew your membership online via our new website.
Gift Aid - Please can we ask that you double check your gift aid status and complete as appropriate. If you require to cancel your gift aid declaration at any time (e.g. if your income tax paid is less than the amount the NVS claims on your donation level or you no longer pay tax), please let the society know when you return your form. You can now access your own data preferences and to update your own membership details via our new website.
Standing Orders - We still unfortunately have a very small number of members who have STILL NOT replaced their standing order with another form of payment. We have written to those members and I strongly urge them to change this to direct debit or pay via the website or manually by cheque or cash to help the society and keep your payments current & correct
Thank you for your support. On behalf of the Trustees.
Simply Vegetables 5

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