Page 50 - Simply Vegetables Winter 2020/21
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                                      NVS Virtual Show 2020 – Scottish Branch results
In your Summer SV Magazine, we advertised a special Virtual show for 2020. I am happy to report that five of our Scottish Branch Members entered the Virtual Show with a total of 19 entries and 8 tickets. Well done to all our Exhibitors; Niall Currie, Ian Simpson, Colin Robertson, Jim Pearson & Graham Gourlay for having entered this unique competition.
Thank you also to our two Judges, Jim Williams and Ian Stocks who stepped up to judge the show, which was a difficult task in some of the classes.
In addition to the photos of Niall’s prize- winning Pablo Beetroot along with Ian Simpson’s Prize-winning Show Perfection Peas reported on pages 28-29.
I have included some photos of:
• Class 1; Ian Simpson’s 5th place onions (Toughball) & Niall Currie’s
entry of onions (Tasco),
• Class 2; Jim Pearson’s 3rd place
peas & Niall Currie’s 4th place peas
(both Show Perfection)
• Class 7; Colin Robertson’s 2nd place
beetroot (Pablo) & Ian Simpson’s 5th
place beetroot (Jolie)
• Class 8; Graham Gourlay’s entry of
Potatoes (Laura)
• Class 9; Colin Robertson’s 3rd place
Runner Beans (Guinness Record) Glad you all enjoyed the competition.
Fiona Shenfield
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