Page 52 - Simply Vegetables Winter 2020/21
P. 52

– 200 Club
Happy New Year to our 200 Club members and a huge thank you to all who have supported this valuable and most appreciated fundraising system.
By becoming a 200 Club member, your number(s) is entered in our monthly prize draw, 10 months of the year. For 2021, we decided to run the 200 club prize draws from March to December inclusive (rather than the stated Jan to October time frame). For Scottish Branch members, you should have received a 200 Club flier with this magazine edition
200 Club membership costs only £5 per year and you can buy more than one.
The last of the 2020 draw results are noted below, congratulations everyone!
First Prize £38* Second Prize £16*
1st Grace Pearson 2nd Jean Thomson
1st Lawrence Stocks 2nd Andrew Jones
1st Joy Blackwell 2nd Billy Reid
*Prize money is dependent on how many 200 Club members we have with half the revenue generated going towards the Scottish Branch funds and half going towards prize money. (1st prize is 75% of the prize money & 2nd prize is 25% of the prize money).
You do not have to be a Scottish Branch member (or even an NVS member) to join, so please encourage friends and family too). You can do so by filling in your entry form and sending it to Gareth Cameron or if you don’t have one, please just give Gareth a shout and he will help you out...
2 Dyke Nook, Yeathouse Road, Frizington, Cumbria CA26 3QL Telephone: 07935 117 397
Thanks again to everyone and good luck for this year.
52 Simply Vegetables
  Set up for quality classes
Medwyn Williams & John Bebbington finalising the winners
The second show that Ian exhibited in was the Canna Road Show in conjunction with Medwyn’s of Anglesey. This was a competition which was held in three regions, one day after another in Oxford, Mansfield
& Anglesey. You could only enter one show, so Ian chose Anglesey. Each exhibitor was given a specific time slot to arrive, exhibit and then leave under strict Covid rules. Sadly, the number of entries was down as some exhibitors who entered had to pull
out at the last-minute owing to the ever changing regional lockdowns, which was unfortunate for both the exhibitors and the organisers alike.
The winners from each regional show were then judged against each other to establish an overall National winner in each of the six quality veg classes. Ian entered the long carrots, parsnips and stump carrots, winning all three at Anglesey, but he also was chuffed to have won the stump carrots overall as the National winner (with Sweet candle). Andrew
Ian Simpson’s 3rd place collection
Grimmet won the Parsnips overall with Viking (previously known as TZ9045). This left the genius Peter Holden having won the long carrots, onions, blanch leeks and pot leeks overall. What a great result Peter!
Another well-run competition with Covid rules in place throughout staging and judging. The two judges for the quality
veg were Medwyn Williams and John Bebbington, who travelled round all three shows and finished off in Anglesey after which, they determined the overall National winners. A great weekend albeit a very tiring and successful one for the travelling judges and organisers.
Here’s hoping that 2021 enables us to hold a lot more shows throughout the UK and if we have to hold more under Covid rules, then we can learn from all those who held shows in 2020. This will help us plan the best way to keep everyone safe and hopefully see more Scot’s abroad once more.
   Ian Simpson’s overall winning carrots
Peter Holden in his onion tunnel after the Blackhall show

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