Page 66 - Simply Vegetables Winter 2020/21
P. 66

                                  What can be achieved by a small rural show
The passion of one family towards horticulture let it be vegetables, flowers or fruit has to be admired.
Many years ago the patriarch of the family asked me to organise with him a standalone horticultural show. This we did and it was
a success but lack of sponsorship made it Impossible to carry on.
Many years later and an agricultural show which include all aspects of rural life came to fruition. The show in question is the Clarecastle agricultural show. The Slattery family Tom, Margaret and their siblings
all natives of Clarecastle took over the horticulture section.
The word took over is really the wrong phrase to use. The ingenuity and flair in the setting up of the display areas left one
in awe. Every minute detail carried out to perfection. Over the years I have attended and exhibited at well-established shows around Ireland and I have yet to see one come anywhere near this show.
The exhibits they conjure up around
their native parish also contributes to its success and these exhibits are on a par and sometimes better than the more seasoned competitor. The 2019 Show had a NVS judge in Raymond Higgins one of Ireland’s top horticulture and All Ireland winner. He was taken aback by the excellent quality of the fruit and vegetable sections. Here we have some of the photos to illustrate what small amateur exhibitors can achieve.
Harold Herlihy, NVS Member
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