Page 54 - QARANC Vol 14 No 10 2015
P. 54

                                 52 QARANC THE GAZETTE
 Canada 2014
On November 4th a party of 8 from the Chester Branch flew to Toronto Canada at the invitation of the Canadian British Legion branch based in Brace bridge to take part in their Service of Remembrance on the 11th November 2014.
Following a 7 hour flight and free Champagne we arrived in Toronto at our hotel which became our home for the next 4 days. However we even managed to turn that into a comedy show when no one knew how to work the showers, until a very kind man showed us.
Boy did we cram it in, the highlights were:
The trip to Niagara Falls, to see and be up close to the power of nature which takes your breath away. We travelled to it on board The Maid of the Mist which was exhilarating.
Climbing the CNN Tower (or as Maria kept calling it Cyanide tower) and walking on the Glass floor.
It is here that the first of the reunions took place when Jean met up with Val Frazer (nee Chip), they hadn’t seen each other since 1960.
We took a ride on the Canadian subway and didn’t even get lost! We were on our way to visit a fantastic house called Cassa Nova which is steeped in History.
Like all girls we didn’t forget the shopping, enjoying lovely meals out. But all the while aware of the real reason we were there.
On the Saturday morning, following
check out, we were met by 2 of our hosts who drove us to our next destination, Musokoka, 2 hours north of Toronto. The journey included the first sight of snow! More Champagne and a chance to meet our host families:
Liz, Maria and Jean stayed with Michael and Janice on their farm.
Dorothy and Margaret stayed with Ted and Carolyn in their town house in Brace Bridge.
Jill and Glenys and I stayed with Jan and Garry on the lake at Milford Bay outside Bracebridge.
Following a supper we all met up at the local church for an evening of Remembrance of WW1 in the form of stories and songs that were accounts from past generations of the town.
On Sunday morning we attended
church and Glenys presented the Standard. After Lunch we all returned to our host’s home. In the evening Jan and Garry hosted a dinner for us and the second of the reunions took place.
You see for the first time since 1960 6 of the ‘Tiddy Girls’ met up. The last time they were all together was at Tidworth (hence the nickname).
Sylvia Gregory along with her husband had travelled over 3 days from Massachusetts to be with us.
Monday came and Michael and Ted showed us the delights of Lake Musokok and surrounding area.
That evening we returned the fantastic hospitality we had received by hosting a dinner and the Mayor of Bracebridge joined us.
Tuesday 11th November arrived and we woke to bright skies and the sun shining.
We lined up in our group and to the command we set off to the tune (I kid you not) of Scots Porridge Oats! We made our way to the town Cenotaph. Proud and privileged to take part is how we felt. Liz was asked not only to lay the wreath on our behalf but also to take the salute along with other dignitaries.
All too soon our time came to end and once more we returned to Toronto for our return flight home. But not before we said our farewells, or as one of our hosts said ‘see you later’
This was a trip of lifetime and all of us left with wonderful memories. In the words of that well known song “Brace Bridge you’re our kind of town”.
Elizabeth Ashworth, Marie Kerr, Jean Loftus, Jill Mackeen, Glenys Hollins, Dorothy Bishop, Margaret Gregory, Lynn Orfanelli.

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