Page 161 - RAPTC Mind, Body & Spirit
P. 161

Mr Ian Dean
     This year of 2018 has been our 40th Anniversary Year and the committee felt that it was right to complete some research about the branch and its history. We as a branch, have come a long way in terms of our development in recent years and feel that we are now delivering an all-round service to our members far and wide. We are in my opinion, a well-run branch that supports our members in a wide range of differing needs. I felt very moved this year at our AGM when we were discussing our widows who were in attendance at our reunion this year, and a member from the floor said “excuse me they are not widows, they are members”, it was very moving for me anyway!!
So, this year we tried to put on a gathering that would surpass all other reunions that we had provided. We had 86 people attend an informal very relaxed evening on the Friday with a Buffet and entertainment, Mick Mooney serenaded us for a couple of hours and a raffle that raised us more than £500. A very good time was had by all.
Saturday morning saw 16 people (Bandidos) congregate at the branch golf competition and another successful event took place.
Then it was back to the Hotel to prepare for the AGM and the evening Dinner with 110 seated. During the day, the committee and their wives spent the entire day setting up the lounge for the dinner, everyone attending was given an anniversary memento of the celebration in the shape of a “Whiskey Glass” suitably engraved which sat on slate coaster which was also suitably engraved to mark the date of the celebration 1978 – 2018. The evening was also attended by our SMAA Lt Col Tom Scarr, our Reg Secretary Lt Col (Retd) Gary Jones, and our Corps SM Matt Arthur.
It was without doubt an evening to be remembered, the men in their dinner suits and “Corps colour accessories and the ladies in their abundance of colour and beauty.
We should also thank the venue The Palm Court in Scarborough for hosting us in such a magnificent way, and our own Association for their support and guidance.
Dave Smith has compiled a history of the North east Branch which can be found on the RAPTC website.

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