Page 47 - RAPTC Mind, Body & Spirit
P. 47

    Lake Como
Ascari Storm in Kenya where they supported 2 RGR and 2 PARA. We have also deployed on Ex Swift Response in Germany where they were joined by a number of NATO Forces from around the World.
Luckily it’s not all work and no play here at 16 Medical Regiment. Last September 12 individuals had the opportunity to travel to Italy on Ex Serpents Paddle where they started at the Swiss/Italian border and paddled to the beautiful location that is Lake Como. Most days were very calm and sunny but at times the young Pte’s were put out their comfort zones and were exposed to paddling in some very rough conditions. With the training they had prior to leaving and brilliant guidance from their instructor they were able to battle through and make it to the camp site in one piece for a well-deserved beer or two.
Ski Biathlon
With the ski season starting the Regiment put together a fine body of men and women to compete within the Nordic skiing champs. Having done Nordic Skiing myself 10 years ago as a young Craftsman, I assumed it would be like riding a bike again, how wrong I was. We entered as a novice team and were up against others that had 2+ seasons, but this did not deter us, in fact it drove the team to do better. We definitely had our work cut out, but we were determined to perform well and hopefully bring some medals home. In the end with all the sweat, tears and the cold early mornings we came second overall at the AMS Championships, it was a job well done. In the last year many individuals and teams have represented the Regiment and excelled in Football, Rugby, Judo, Cross Country and Snowboarding just to name a few. So far it has been a very successful year for 16 Medical Regiment, the unit is very proud of everyone’s hard work, determination and effort whether it be deployed on exercise, in work or any sporting activities.
Another memorable year has passed whilst serving as the RAPTCI for the “Airborne Sappers!” 2017 has been a year that I will look back on for the rest of my life and will be very hard to top.
The beginning of the year was a cold start, with Adventurous Training (AT) taking place on the lakes of North Wales. Operating out of Capel Curig, 12 x Officers and Soldiers of 23 Para Engr Regt were fortunate enough to have me take them through O2F in preparation for what was being dubbed, “A once in a lifetime
opportunity;” to canoe through the Grand Canyon. Now... I have some very fond memories of North Wales and embrace every opportunity I get to visit and train there, but for some members of the group this was their first exposure to how wet and miserable Snowdonia and the surrounding areas can be in February. Needless to say, there were plenty of café stops and dry suits were worn for the full duration.
With a quick turnaround after the AT, a painful process regarding funding and a trip to loan pools to collect the essentials, the group
SSgt (SSI) J Clarkson RAPTC
   SSgt Clarkson in Grand Canyon Final leg of Ex Colorado dragon 73rd Anniversary of Op Market Garden

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