Page 57 - RAPTC Mind, Body & Spirit
P. 57

SSgt (SSI) D Thomas RAPTC
 In preparation for writing this article, I firstly read over the article that I produced for last year’s MBS, whilst reflecting on what was a fantastic, busy and thoroughly enjoyable start I had in
this assignment. I ended the article by stating ‘I am excited at the prospect of the next 2 years with 2 RIFLES, to see what is install for me and to make the most of my time here’. That statement was a fitting conclusion as what a year I have had since, it has far surpassed my first 8 months within the battalion.
Battalion life has been manic over the last 12 months with various commitments such as support company cadres (snipers, recce, anti-tanks & mortars), pre-promotion course cadres, anti-poaching tasks to Gabon, deployments to Op TRENTON (South Sudan) and to Op SHADER (Iraq).
In early Jul 17, I deployed on Op SHADER 5 alongside almost 300 other battalion and attached personnel from 5 AES Sqn, 22 Engr Regt to form the United Kingdom Training Team West (UKTT W). We were based at Al Asad Airbase (AAAB) which is located in the Anbar region of Iraq not far from the Syrian border and approximately 40km’s from Mosul.
The mission task was to provide advice and assist elements in a coalition environment within an American base. The coalition was broken down by forces from America, Denmark, Norway, France, Spain, Latvia and Lithuania. The tasks that 2 RIFLES were responsible for are as follows:
A Company formed Building Partner Capacity (BPC) which their role comprised of providing training to the local security forces.
B Company led the Security Force (SECFOR) and their primary role was to provide security to the base by manning fighting posts, conducting ground sensor patrols and working as a react force in the event of any attacks.
I was employed as the Battlegroup’s Wellness SNCO which was an idea that the Commanding Officer has devised after conducting the initial recce, as it was highlighted that there was a gap in the wellness facilities that the Battlegroup possessed. The aim of applying a wellness model was the process of keeping the mind, body and soul active during what could have been a sedentary and mundane deployment. By incorporating a well-rounded model it assisted in and encourages the highest output of professional standards. The model focused on 3 pillars which are as follows:
Physical – this recognised the need for the use of regular physical activity, I achieved this by running Coalition PT, running club and organised a number of sporting/physical events.
Education – The education pillar identified the need to enhance the creative side and stimulate the mind with mental activities. This was achieved by the J7 cell organising cultural visits to the spectre gunship (AC-130), watch the anti IDF guns test fire and to the predator bays (drone) to name a few. Also towards the latter part of the tour an education officer deployed where he delivered CLM part 1, CLM part 3 and DIT courses.
Mental – This recognised the need for mental awareness and the acceptance of feelings and emotions. This was achieved by the battlegroup having a Padre and there were a number of mental health first aid qualified personnel who were able to assist and signpost if necessary.
We arrived back mid Jan 18 (only a few weeks ago) and this is the first week back after a well-deserved 5 weeks POTL leave.
So what does the next 12 months look like for 2 RIFLES? It is busy once again with tasks on many different continents, more cadres to maintain professional development, various exercises and of course lots of AT.
2 RIFLES Battlegroup
   2 RIFLES WOs’ and Sjts’ Mess Lt Col Bellamy, WO1 (RSM) Parsons, SSgt (SSI) Thomas helping the CO and RSM WO2 (RQMS) Wheatley and SSgt (SSI) deliver Christmas presents to SECFOR
Thomas and 5 AES management enjoying delivering presents to the Engr Gp

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