Page 77 - RAPTC Mind, Body & Spirit
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  opportunity to highlight my appreciation to the RAPTCIs for their continuous support since I arrived in post last year. What’s clear is that throughout the many – and sometimes lengthy – conversations I’ve had, the demands our SNCOs face as RAPTC Instructors are far more complex and challenging than those I experienced in past years. Whilst I fundamentally agree that we are evolving as a Corps in a highly positive manner, our people must remain at the centre of it and they are absolutely deserving of the high-quality reputation that they have attained.
The future...!
There’s no denying that the SO3 PD Firm base appointments come with an associated high work load [but so does everyone] and they can often be a baptism of fire in many respects. Having a geographical area comprising one of the largest contingents of RAPTCIs (26 x Sgts / 21 x SSgts / 6 x WO2s), I can undisputedly state that it’s been eventful; challenging; and a highly rewarding experience to date.
As a RAPTC cohort we’ve had a tremendously positive 2017, whether that be promotion board successes; individual recognition and reward; encouraging assignment board results; fantastic support during the Regional Briefing Day and Study Period; or
simply offering and sharing ‘good practice’. Whilst I’m confident that this will continue throughout the year, my [RAPTC] intent and focus for 2018 surrounds one singular task which can be acutely summarised by the words of Henry Ford:
“Coming together is a BEGINNING; keeping together is PROGRESS; working together is SUCCESS...” (Henry Ford)
 1Regiment Army Air Corps (1 Regt AAC) are based at Royal Naval Air Station Yeovilton. The Regiment’s Mission is: To GENERATE and OPERATE, train, prepare and validate the
Reconnaissance Wildcat Helicopter and C2 Force Elements iaw the Joint Helicopter Command (JHC) Plan. The key challenges facing 1 Regt AAC are preparation for deployment to Estonia in April 2018 whilst maintaining support to UK resilience, conducting CTT and CTR training and creating a professional ethos as a “The Army’s Reconnaissance Regiment”.
Sports and fitness are high on the radar of the Commanding Officer’s priorities which therefore, ensures the Regiment competes in a host of sporting events across the Army including football, cross country, boxing, hockey, tennis, swimming and triathlon. Great success came from 1 Regt AAC Football Team who were victorious in the final of the Army Challenge Cup against 6 Regt AAC in 2017. There are also a number of Inter-unit competitions held throughout the year such as the CO’s Sports Cup Competition. This involves 7 events, with an aim to bring together all 1 Regt AAC personnel and compete in series of physically challenging and fun events to improve fitness, motivation, encourage team spirit and cohesion.
1 Regt AAC also participated in numerous Adventurous Training (AT) Exercises and multi-activity weeks, this included overseas
trips to Germany Ex Paddle Kayaking and Ex Wildcat Piste Sking in France. Planned AT for 2018 is a multi-activity week in the summer at RAF St Mawgan, Newquay. In true military fashion the year was wrapped up with the Commanding Officer’s 5km Fancy Dress Xmas Run around the airfield.
SSgt (SSI) N Ferguson RAPTC
    1AAC AT Skiing 1AAC Football Team CO’s Battle PT

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