Page 40 - Cadet Review Autumn 2022
P. 40
By 2Lt Adam Fidment
Throughout the weekend of 13th – 15th May, D company cadets attended a company training weekend at Driffield Cadet Training Centre.
The One Star cadets undertook some Skill at Arms training. There was a varied skill level with some cadets having an introduction to the L98A2 Cadet General Purpose Weapon whilst others completed their training and managed to complete a weapons handling test. All cadets involved made huge amount of progress and we are looking forward to them putting these skills into action as they progress, fire the weapon and apply this knowledge during their Fieldcraft training.
A group of seven 2 Star cadets started their expedition with quick revision lessons of first aid, countryside code which include access routes, route cards and what the emergency plan was if one was to happen. At 11:30am, they were driven to their starting point which was Huggate. The aim was to walk 16km back to CTC training area and they smashed their goal!
Not only did they work as a team but they were respectful and polite to the public and they all enjoyed themselves. They walked from point to point from 11:30am until 5:45pm with the adults remotely supervising them. On arrival at CTC training area, they set up their tents and enjoyed some well-earned down time before eating hot dogs. On Sunday morning, it was bacon and egg sandwiches and more hotdogs prior to setting off. They needed to walk from CTC training area to Wetwang - where they would be met at the finishing point. Once again with smiles on their faces, hard work and determination, they crossed the finishing line whilst listening to the national anthem!
The weekend also featured a visit by Corporal Hall,
Not only did they work as a team but they were respectful and polite to the public
from the Royal Anglian Regiment, to give the cadets a presentation about the Mali Operational Tour. Both cadets and adult volunteers enjoyed the informative presentation and found out about Operation Newcombe 2. The cadets were given an understand- ing and insight into military life and developed an understanding of what they could do and achieve
if they decide to take a career in the military. Many
of the cadets showed a keen interest in developing their understanding of the variety of weapon systems that are used and seen; some of which they had not yet seen in their ACF career. Following on from the presentation, the cadets were intrigued about various aspects and so had a range of questions to ask Corporal Hall – of which he happily answered and used to further inspire the cadets.
During the final parade Major Christopher Ledger presented certificates for Two Star signals training