Page 20 - Oundle Life March 2021
P. 20

In 2000, Jo Clarkson expanded her successful Kettering osteopathic practice to Oundle. Now Oundle Osteopaths have settled into a larger facility on Stoke Hill in the town. In this issue of Oundle Life, she tells us about her job...
When did you set up the business? We started Oundle Osteopaths in 2000, although we already had two other osteopathic practices. Kettering Osteopaths, which we still have, and Raunds Osteopaths, which we closed in 2004.
What made you choose Oundle? We chose Oundle as we knew that our children would be moving from the village school in Titchmarsh to the middle school in Oundle. John played rugby for Oundle, so we knew what a friendly community there was, and I regularly shopped in Oundle. We had been looking for a property that would be suitable for a home and practice, and were lucky enough to find one in West Street that ticked all the boxes.
Tell us more... Over the last 20 years the
practice has grown tremendously. We had
been looking for another building to move the practice into for several years, and in February 2020 we were delighted to take possession of the old Priests House on Stoke Hill, just by
the Catholic Church. This means we now have much more space in the clinic, including more downstairs treatment rooms and a cloakroom that is fully accessible for patients with mobility problems. We love living and working in Oundle, so we are thrilled to be able to expand, but still stay working and living in the middle of our lovely town.
Best thing about being in Oundle? The
best thing about Oundle is being part of the community. We have always supported and sponsored the sports clubs, and I do most of my shopping here. It’s fantastic to be able to walk into town to shop, and to know the shop keepers who serve you, and say hello to patients and neighbours in the market.
Healing hands now on Stoke Hill

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