Page 59 - RAPTC Year of 2019
P. 59
After a thoroughly enjoyable 2 years working with the Specialised Infantry, I now find myself returning to 2 Royal Anglian in support of their re-role from Light Infantry to Mechanised Infantry.
2 Royal Anglian had just returned from their rotational Queens Division commitments in BFC and from my experience of 2 PWRR returning from BFC, we were going to have a period of adjustment in order to prepare for a much more arduous battle rhythm in the UK in terms of physical robustness.
As expected, after a period of POTL, there was a significant spike in MSK injuries. Many of these injuries were legacy based with many of the Soldiers waiting on their arrival back to the UK before going through the Medical reporting chain. Initial recovery PT was administered for the first 6 weeks to allow gradual build up and progression, followed by a period of S&C activity to form a fundamental basis for mission specific Physical Training.
Due to be deployed on Ex WESSEX STORM in Feb 2020, the Bn soon started on their pre-deployment training with Rifle Coys’ carrying out their CT 0,1 and 2 training throughout October and November whilst also being tasked with flood defence in support of Op TEMPERER and also taking on the UKSB. Physical Training was then progressed in line with the APTS to provide Specific training before completing the SCR before pushing the Bn through the RFT(S).
Post Ex WESSEX STORM the Bn will again move through the APTS training pipeline in preparation for deployment on Op TORAL and Op NEWCOMB in Autumn 2020. During this interim period, I will focus specifically on promoting Sport and AT throughout the Bn, and although the training won’t be as pleasurable as training on the beach in Dhekelia, the abundance of sporting talent within the Bn will still come to the fore.
Soldiers undergoing RFT(S)
Soldiers undergoing S&C training
Ex WESSEX STORM pop up Gym