Page 41 - 2016 AMA Autumn
P. 41

Today was the busiest day of all as there were numerous things all happening at once. Ten people attended the contour navigation master-class with Huw Gilbert. Learning to navigate with a map that only has contour lines may seem odd at first, but once you have this mastered, map reading becomes a lot easier. I spoke to a few that spent the day with Huw, the feedback was very positive and I will be looking to book more workshops on future meets.
Eight people attended the Snowdonia Geology, Flora & Fauna Workshop day with Mike Raine (author of Nature of Snowdonia). Initially bookings were slow for this day, but soon gathered pace. I think a lot of people consider the subject to be a bit dry, but it is absolutely essential if you wish to become an ML or higher. I spoke to those that attended and they spoke very highly of the day afterwards. One comment that sticks in my mind is “It has made a day in the hills far more interesting than ever before”.
Today was also the start of the two day REC Mountain first aid course. Sixteen people gained a three year REC mountain first aid qualification under the expert guidance of Steve & Helen Howe from Snowdonia First Aid. Steve and Helen are current in the first aidarenaduetotheirhardworkwiththeLlanberismountainrescue team. Over the weekend they delivered real and pragmatic first aid which was well received by those that attended.
A few members who were not on workshops went to Little Tryfan for the day. We needed a short day to save ourselves for the
activities that were happening later in the evening. Danny and I set about the students, delivering training on whatever they asked. I covered building anchors with Allen, before teaching Martin to lead climb.
A good old fashioned military curry was served on the Saturday night after the AGM. I was really looking forward to the chicken curry, but busied myself selling raffle tickets, by the time I had returned to the hotplate it had all gone! Thankfully Sodexo had managed to remember to open the bar this time. We all had a couple of beers prior to the start of the evening lecture which was delivered by none other than James McHaffie. Caff has attended a few AMA events in the last few years. It is amazing how humble he is despite his achievements; it is always a privilege to listen to his exploits.
One of the final events of the
Saturday evening was the
charity prize draw. Various
prizes were won on the
night which raised £255 for
the Ogwen Valley Mountain
Rescue Organisation. The
AMA is grateful to both DMM
and Cotswold Outdoor who
very kindly donated the prizes for the raffle. £50 vouchers, Dragon Cam 2, snapgates, T-shirts etc were amongst the prizes up for grabs.
On the Sunday most opted to depart after breakfast to begin the journey home. The first aiders were hard at work again on the second day of their course. Lyndsay and I popped over to the Moelwyns for a quick climb before heading home whilst Danny and Paul went to Milestone Buttress.
The AGM was very well attended and long may that continue. I would like to thank all the instructors that attended and put the students’ wishes before their own. Thanks to everyone that made the effort to attend, it was truly great to see you all there. Work is already underway to plan the event next year which will coincide with the Army festival of climbing, which will be a week-long event.

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