Page 43 - 2016 AMA Autumn
P. 43

                                  Over the weekend other groups went to Tremadog and Little Tryfan to name but a few places. Matt Stygall (BMG) worked with some of the novice groups over the weekend to ensure that everybody left with a lot more knowledge compared to when they arrived. Over the last year, there have been guest instructors at some of the meets. Feedback has been positive as external instructors provide different views and ways of doing things.
Overall the weekend was successful. The weather was slightly mixed, but this allowed for a varied weekend which allowed the attendees to climb, scramble and walk as they saw fit. A venue that has multiple options will always be more flexible than a one trick pony that only allows climbing or walking.
10-22 June 16
A mere three weeks later, again we are back in N Wales for another meet based from Bens Bunkhouse. If it’s not broken, why fix it? Fifteen people arrived at the bunkhouse eager to get out and bag some much needed Quality Mountain Days. Only four of the fifteen were at the previous meet, so it was great to see new faces once again. The weekend was fortunate enough to coincide with the annual DMM Tradfest which was located about five minutes’ walk from the bunkhouse. Many of the attendees paid £25 for Tradfest tickets, for which they received a T-shirt, guidebook, karabiner and other small random items.
Plans were made over a few beers on the Friday evening. I sometimes have the view that when in North Wales, if you plan early, you plan twice. This time however, I was pleasantly surprised; I had planned to go to Tremadog the night before and actually saw it through on the Saturday! I teamed up with David and Hayley, we climbed Hail Bebe followed by Rio. We tried to climb XMAS Curry, but the Tradfest weekend scuppered that idea, all the popular routes were gridlocked!
Lee, Chris and Pete opted for Milestone buttress and had a fantastic day out (apart from the requirement for midge nets now and then). Johhny and Nick opted for a day out in the Carneddau and by all accounts had a great day out. A reminder for Nick, it’s 1 minute per contour, not 1 minute per kilometre, Naismith would have been turning in his grave!
Everyone finished the day in high spirits, due to the slightly better weather, most returned later than usual. Cooking was disregarded in favour of the pub. Most headed to the Vaynol Arms to sample the local beer and food.
On the second day I paired up with Chris and Nick(Naismith), we headed for the Ogwen Valley. This time we opted for a scramble and ascended Idwal Buttress. The midges were out in force, but thankfully we moved quickly. This allowed us to gain enough height and with it a welcome breeze that was just enough to do the job! Once at the top, there was just enough time for a spot of lunch prior to a quick descent.
Some of the other groups opted for the old favourite of Little Tryfan. A great crag for teaching, lots of routes at an amenable grade and a short walk in. It’s perfect when time is limited and people need to get away early for the journey home.
Another weekend was all over before we knew it. The journey to N Wales is never usually a short one unless you are lucky enough to live close by. No matter what the weather it is always great to know that when you arrive, there is a like-minded bunch of people who have travelled just as far as you to enjoy the mountains. There will be many more meets in N Wales throughout the year, keep a look out on the AMA Website and Facebook for details.

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