Page 44 - 2016 AMA Autumn
P. 44

                                  climbing meets
 Glencoe Meet
30 June – 3 July 16
by Ryan Lang
Ihave always wanted to climb and scramble in Glencoe, I had walked there years ago before I got into climbing and I had always wanted to go back ever since then. Back then, I was sat on the
summit of Stob Dearg on the Buachaille Etive Mor eating my lunch. I could hear the noise of metal clanging against metal, I had no idea what it was as I tried to identify the source of the noise. Before long, three people roped up appeared over the crest towards me and the summit. I was in awe of what they had done to get to the summit compared to my following of a simple albeit steep path. I promised myself there and then that I would be back.
Fast forward nearly 10 years and the plan became a reality. In total we had seven people attend the Glencoe meet which ran for three days. Whilst
the turnout was disappointing compared to other meets, the commitment shown by those attending set a new level! People came from
far and wide, Phil had driven all the way from Woolwich!
We stayed in the Independent Glencoe Hostel and hired the entire bunkhouse for our sole use, I have to say it was the best bunkhouse I have stayed at in the UK, they even supplied duvets! Most arrived on the Thursday evening, after unpacking, we then walked up to the Clachaig Inn, which in my opinion is one
of the best pubs in the world. We had dinner, beers and the odd whisky whilst making plans for the next day. The weather was not on our side, so we planned to scramble up Stob Dearg via Curved Ridge (Grade 3). Finally my plan was coming to fruition.
The next morning, we woke up in the plush bunkhouse, packed what we required and set off.
We operated as two teams, Si and Sean were in one, Allen, James and I in the other. The weather was not the best, we hadn’t been going for long before we decided to don full waterproofs. I was also grateful that I had researched the route beforehand as I had been advised that route can be difficult to find at times. The research had paid off as before long many of the images I had studied on the internet were now flooding back.
The route was fantastic from start to finish, the only downside was that the view across the Rannoch moor was hidden by the low lying cloud.
Every now and then the cloud
would briefly clear to tease

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