Page 45 - 2016 AMA Autumn
P. 45

                                     us with a fleeting glimpse of the view that we knew was there but couldn’t see.
Before long we were topping out on the summit, the feeling of achievement was fantastic! It may not may Everest, but the plan to return which was hatched 10 years ago had now been completed, I was full of smiles that day! After a few obligatory summit pics, we jumped into the group shelter for lunch and a brew. We then descended via the normal path back to the start. Both teams once safely back down, headed into Fort William for some little
required gear shopping.
Another night in the Clachaig ensued, more hearty meals and multiple ales were consumed before moving onto
the fine selection of Whisky. The live band kept us amused for a while before the days activities eventually
took their toll on us all. Two more arrivals joined the group which increased our number to seven.
The Saturday morning weather was much the same as the day before, wet with poor visibility but spirits remained high. We decided to traverse along the Aonach Eagach ridge in three teams. The ascent up to the summit of Am Bodach (943m) to get to the start of the ridge had us all blowing! Layers were stripped off on a regular basis all the way to the top. Once at the start of the ridge, we roped up and got down to business. The view was non- existant as were right in the middle of the clouds which provided an eerie backdrop for the day.
The day was longer than we expected, we were all very tired by the time we returned to the bunkhouse. A shower and brew soon had us all refreshed which meant another trip’ve guessed it, the Clachaig.
The Sunday saw most of us head off home as we had a long way to travel. Sean and Phil decided to go and bag a multi-pitch route in Glen Nevis. Overall the meet was great fun, the weather wasn’t great, but it’s the mountains so we just have to get on with it. The meet wasn’t as busy as I would have liked, but those that attended certainly benefited from the experience.

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