Page 5 - 2016 AMA Autumn
P. 5

Foreword by Chairman
Value for Money!
Col Paul J Edwards MBE, FRGS
When I joined the AMA in 1989 subscriptions were £4.25 per person. This rapidly rose over the next 10 years or so, in a series of small increments until it reached £15 where it has stuck ever since. At the Association’s AGM on 23 Sep 16 the AMA Executive Committee recommended that the Association’s subscription be raised from £15 to £20. There followed a lively debate at the AGM which culminated in an (almost) unanimous vote to accept the proposal. The annual AMA membership subscriptions will, therefore increase from £15 to £20 with effect Jan 17.
The Executive Committee recommended this rise as the AMA’s running costs have increased significantly and we have taken on a part time member of staff to manage our office at Indefatiga- ble. Thus far we have managed this increase in running costs
by successfully claiming Gift Aid on your subscriptions and also by obtaining sponsorship from Team Army and from Deloitte as well as gaining grants from the Army Sports Control Board. The Executive Committee noted however, that further modernisation was now required and that our database, membership cards and Direct Debit system required review. The subscription rise will largely go towards this modernisation effort, but any excess funds will be put towards the provision of better meets, improved com- petitions and larger expedition grants.
To put things in context, in 1989 petrol cost £0.38 per litre and beer £0.98 per pint, so our subscriptions have continued to show good value for money. Let us hope that we can keep the subscription at £20 for the next 25 years!!
 AMA Journal Editor Update
Another six months have flashed past since the summer 16 journal was published. I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to this journal, it is great to see so much going on within the AMA. Please keep the articles and photos coming for the next edition which is due out in June 17.
I hope that you all enjoy this edition of the journal which is my last as editor. I have really enjoyed being the editor over the last three years and have found the position to be both rewarding and challenging. Nothing lasts forever, and with that in mind I decided that I should step down as editor and provide someone else the opportunity to take the journal forward.
Al Topping was appointed as the new editor at the AGM and will take over from the New Year. I wish him every success and kindly ask that you support him as much as you have supported me over the last three years.
Please continue to update the Membership Secretary when you change address so that the AMA can continue to successfully deliver your journal on time and to the correct address!
  Update from the Webmaster
Well hopefully by now most of you will have seen the new and improved website. One of the new features includes a password reset function that allows you to automatically reset your password when you have forgotten it. There is still plenty to do and I am always after ideas and suggestions. Remember this is YOUR website and I welcome people getting involved and telling me what you want to see. As always please send me your pictures, articles or anything, that we as mountaineers find interesting, and if suitable I will find a space. See you on the mountain soon, Daz.
Update from the Membership Secretary
Currently we have over 2,500 members. It is very important that you let me know of any changes to your details, address, bank details etc; please either give me a call or just drop me an e-mail to the address below.
If you have any questions, concerns or anything at all please just contact me on 01248 718364 or Mil 95581 7964 or by e-mail on The office times are Monday to Thursday 9.00am to 15.45pm.
The AMA recognises that climbing and mountaineering are activities with a danger of personal injury or death. Participants in these activities should be aware of and accept these risks and be responsible for their own actions.

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