Page 12 - Oundle Life February 2024
P. 12

                                       filled with compost it pays to fill them in their final position to save having to move them. Fill the containers to the top and then either gently tap them on the ground to settle the compost or firm lightly with your fingers. Make
old net curtains to keep them slightly warmer. Once the plants are growing, they will need watering as they must not dry out. In the spring and autumn, they will need watering every two
   sure the surface is level and is fine
and crumbly. Now sow or plant the vegetables, if planting, plant at the same depth as in the pots or plugs they are currently in and firm gently then water. If sowing, the seed can be sown broadcast over the compost surface and then lightly covered to a depth of 1cm. An alternative is to place seeds
at regular spacings and cover with compost, then water with a can using rose.
If the seedlings germinate too close together thin them out so each plant has sufficient space
to three days but in the summer it will need to be daily and if hot twice a day (morning and evening). If you have not added slow-release fertiliser feed the plants with a liquid feed once a week at the dose recommended on the packet. If the seedlings germinate too close together thin them out so each plant has sufficient space, some seedlings can be transplanted but not root crops like carrots, parsnips or beetroot. Watch
  Leave the seeds to germinate and plants to get established, they can be covered with fleece or
for pests and diseases which can be can controlled by squashing, picking off infected leaves or spraying if to many, also remove any weeds that grow. Once the plants are mature

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