Page 13 - Oundle Life February 2024
P. 13

                                       and are ready to harvest start picking them. It is possible to have vegetables to pick and eat most months of the year if you have the space and do successional sowings.
side shoots removing but the smaller bush types do not.
Both the sweet and chilli peppers grow well in containers but need a sunny site and
   What crops can be grown in containers?
Some crops are better than others and it depends on the size of the container. If you are growing from seed choose mini varieties as you can get more into the container.
Radish are
very quick from sowing to harvesting so hold the children’s attention
protection from any cool winds, if the small varieties are chosen, they can be brought indoors when the weather cools down in the autumn.
Lettuce and salad leaves are very easy in containers, choose small lettuce or the types that individual leaves are picked off as required. Salad leaves are sown thickly on the surface of the compost and lightly covered. When they are 10 to 12cm high start
If a sunny spot is available tomatoes
are worth a try, they can be normal
sized types, cherry, plum or beefsteak;
the dwarf types are easier in containers, or the trailing ones in hanging baskets. Water and feed them well and provide some support if they are the conventional varieties – these also need the
harvesting by cutting the leaves with sharp scissors about 25mm above the base of the plant so that they regrow to harvest and second and third time.

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