Page 26 - Oundle Life February 2024
P. 26

“Reflections of Life”
TIM STUBBS returns to the area and brings his one-man-show “Reflections of Life” to Cotterstock Village Hall on Friday 1st March to raise money for Cancer Research UK.
Some of Tim’s show is about his childhood, growing up as the son of the baker in Thurlby and his observations on the many characters
in the village back then. The bakery provided
a door-to-door delivery service, giving Tim
the opportunity to see into customer’s homes and how they lived. Tim will be sharing stories gathered over many, many years from his time as a master baker to auctioneer, antiques expert and latterly the much-loved publican of the Red Lion in Warmington – the stories are endless.
Tickets are £10 (cash only), which includes
a glass of wine or juice in the interval, and are readily available from Stu-Pots in the Market Place, Oundle. Stu-Pots also have Gift Aid envelopes, which we encourage you to complete, and then your £10 will turn into £12.50,
complements of the tax man! Tickets are limited due to the size of the hall.
There will be a quality (cash only) raffle prize draw on the night with all the prizes kindly donated by local businesses.
We can promise you a night filled with nostalgia, fun and laughter with this hilarious raconteur and every
penny raised on the night will
go to Cancer Research UK. TOGETHER WE WILL

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