Page 108 - Mercian Eagle 2017
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The Branch secretary, Phil Squires has been very ill recently but thank goodness he is now recovering and is again more mobile. Everyone in the Association wishes him a speedy recovery and our best wishes go
to Sandra.The Branch held two successful Social evenings during the year besides attending othe Association events.. At the meeting in November the Branch presented tankards to Brigadier Wilkinson and Major Chell for their continuing support to the Branch.
One sad note is the death of Mrs Wendy Barras, the wife of Sgt Barras who had been ill for some time. Wendy had always been a staunch support of the Branch and she will be sorely missed by everyone. We send our most sincere condolences to her family. The Branch now looks forward to another successful year.
Presentation to Brigadier Wilkinson and Major Chell`
The Branch, together with other Branches attended the ANAZ commemoration on Cannock Chase in April. In June members with both standards attended the Rugeley Charter Fair. In July The Branch held
a very successful Ladies Dinner Night at the Red Lion Inn, Brereton. On July 30th the Branch attended the service to commemorate 100th Anniversary of the
Battle of Passchendaele. The MVRA led the parade with the two Standards.
September saw members attending the Staffordshire Regiment Re-Union at the Whittington Barracks and later at the Lichfield Social Club. On September 16th the Branch attended the Northern Ireland Veterans parade, this parade is by far the largest parade of the year with over 100
standards followed by a very large number of Veterans.
George Falls represented the Branch at the ‘Ride to Wall’ event at the National Arboretum In October the Branch joined with the Stafford Regiment Association to hold a Dinner Dance. This was
an excellent evening with 98 quests attending.
The Branch began the year with a very interesting and helpful Seminar on the help available to Veterans in Greater Manchester area. All the agencies involved in this work gave presentations supported by displays. It was a tremendous opportunity to gain more knowledge of Veterans Aid. The Branch continues to work closely with the Cheshire Regiment Association and many joint activities are held. The Branch again visited the battlefields of Flanders to commemorate the Great War. The battles of Mons and St Julien were remembered as they are every year. Armed Forces Day was again marked with a Dinner at the Armoury.
To keep with the traditions of the ‘Shinny A’ members completed a long distance walk through Snowdonia [seven days/ 97 miles] and lived to tell the tale! Members arrived
in force for the Association picnic at the National Arboretum where Les Heighway became duty bugler for the day. Again
the Branch was out in force for the East Cheshire Reunion held in the Armoury in October. Together with other social events the Branch has had a very active year.
The Standards from Stockport of the Cheshire Regiment Association, Mercian Volunteers Assocition and The Mercian Regiment Association on parade at Tyne Cot
Stockport members on their Snowdonia walk in September Tony Angel, Mike Pilkington and others
Cheshire and Mercian Volunteers standards at the Plaza Festival of Remembrance, Stockport
   Stockport Members at the East Cheshire Reunion

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