Page 58 - ALG Issue 1 2023
P. 58

Book Recommendation
   London Allotment Officers Forum
The second London Allotment Officers Forum meeting of 2022 was held via Zoom on Thursday 13th October. Those attending the first meeting, in February, had requested another meeting before year end.
The attendance was very good and even an increase on the earlier February turnout. The meeting was chaired by myself, and we also had Keith Meakin (London Regional Chairman) and Tyler Harris (Legal Adviser at Head Office) present.
The main idea is to allow our hard-working and time poor allotment officers a time and space to exchange views and practices across the spectrum of London allotments. The discussions are wide-ranging, often surprising and always interesting.
Permission was given to record the meeting.
The next meeting will be in spring 2023, and invitations will be sent out in good time.
We look forward to listening to you and also to having another useful discussion.
 The realisation
that my earlier commitment
to make a meaningful book recommendation
in each issue of the Allotment Magazine was a tall order, has now hit home.
The biggest
obstacle to a regular
is that I am a slow
reader! Not only am
I a slow reader of
the book(s) in hand
but I keep picking
up newspapers,
magazines, seed catalogues and a well- known search engine!
For this recommendation, I am returning, unashamedly, to a favourite author and to one of his books first published in 2019.
‘THE GARDEN JUNGLE or Gardening to Save the Planet’ was first published in 2019 and, in these fast-moving times, that may seem a long time ago, but
we have had a life-stopping pandemic
in-between and time scales have gone to pot. Please catch up and read this book
as soon as you can. If you have already read it then may I suggest a re-read, it always works for me.
Whatever size your allotment, plot, patch, garden or community space, this book has immense relevance.
there are clear achievable examples of how we can
make a difference to biodiversity, to encouraging the insects, pollinators and wildlife whilst doing what we all love – growing pesticide free, zero-food-miles fruit and veg.
It is also a great fun and humorous read.
THE GARDEN JUNGLE or Gardening to Save the Planet
Author : Professor Dave Goulson Published by Vintage / Penguin Random House UK Paperback @ £9.99
   London Region Annual General Meeting
The AGM of the London Branch was held on Saturday 29th October in Bermondsey, South London – a new and welcome location for us.
Elections for officers and committee were carried out and we are delighted that we have been able to increase the size of the London team, bring new committee members on board and spread our geographical coverage.
The minutes will be freely available of course.
Following a decision taken by the National Management Committee at the MC Meeting in early October, we were pleased to be able to elect two of the team to the new post of Assistant Regional Representative. Aside from helping me closely in my work, visits
and projects, either one will be able to formally stand in for me should I be unable to attend future meetings.
Having said that, it is still the case
that the entire London team are ready and willing to visit allotments and members throughout London. We look forward to even more invitations.
It is our practice to have a guest speaker at each of our public Regional meetings. In this instance, following the completion of formal business,
a presentation was given by Keith Meakin, London Chair, of his recent opus and research into London Allotments. This is, as far as we are aware, the first time such a detailed study has been completed and
covers locations, sizes, membership numbers, self-managed and direct
It is our practice to have a guest speaker at each of our public Regional meetings
let splits within boroughs and much more besides. If any member or society would like to see this impressive work, then please get in touch.
At the next Regional meeting in May 2023 a presentation from Kings Seeds is scheduled.
The London team for 2022/23
is as follows:
Chair: Keith Meakin
Secretary: Penny Smith
Treasurer: David Spicer Committee and Assistant Regional Representative: Alan Marsh Committee and Assistant Regional Representative: Paula Owen Committee: Jeff Barber Committee: Andrew Brodie Committee: Jeanne Brodie
      58 Allotment and Leisure Gardener

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