Page 100 - The Wish Stream Year of 2022
P. 100

Lucknow Platoon Winter Term 2022
OCdt Taylor
Whilst many OCdts arrive at RMAS aspiring to complete the Regular Commissioning Course in a short 44 weeks, a select few of us have the luxury of experiencing a 5* stay in Lucknow Platoon, ranging from a few weeks to a couple of terms for the luckiest few. This term Lucknow Platoon have been busier than ever before. We have welcomed more OCdts, more injuries and two new staff members, Cap- tain Tiffin and Staff Sergeant Pun, to the ranks of Lucknow Platoon. On top of our daily physio and rehab sessions and afternoon lessons, we have managed to fit in some extra-curricular activities to keep us busy.
The term began with a cultural visit to the Chel- sea Pensioners at the Royal Hospital Chelsea in the heart of London. During the visit, the platoon took the opportunity to interact with veterans, accessing a wealth of experience; the visit cul- minated with a tour of the magnificent grounds.
In week three, the platoon ventured to Hankley Common to spend the day viewing the Inter- mediate Term conducting platoon attacks on Ex ROBERTS RETURN. In Lucknow Platoon, maintaining a grasp of the skills learnt through training delivered on course is vital. Having an
opportunity to view a live platoon attack followed by a subsequent assessment of the tactics, pro- vided by CSgt Brown, proved invaluable. Luc- know also took the opportunity to view Junior Term platoon attacks on Ex SECOND ATTACK.
Although refreshing and maintaining training in Lucknow is vital for us all, we had the privi- lege this term to expand our knowledge when we received Pistol and GPMG training, which is not available on course. Half of the platoon did Pistol Training whilst the other half did GPMG Training. I, myself, chose Pistol and, needless to say, it has been one of my best experiences in Lucknow. We began the week by receiving the necessary weapons training, followed by a range day later in the week where we conducted an ACMT for the Pistol. Although heavy with rain, it was equally matched by smiles, and we all thor- oughly enjoyed ourselves!
Alongside training, formal events also lend cru- cial training for OCdts, and this term there were two. On the 3rd of November, CSgt Brown and six OCdts including myself had the luxury to attend the British Forces Foundation Char- ity Ball to lend our help and support. Here we had the joy of meeting many veterans and serv- ing personnel, who spun dits and gave us their words of wisdom for our future careers as Offic- ers in the British Army. This was followed by the Lucknow Mess Dinner on the 15th November, headed by OCdt Wakeford, where we were able to host all the staff that make Lucknow possible; our physios, ERIs, medical staff and our platoon staff. Here, the platoon was able to pass on our thanks and appreciation to all the staff for their hard work and dedication last term, whilst also practising Mess Dinner training and etiquette, something of which will be expected of us as

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