Page 107 - The Wish Stream Year of 2022
P. 107

About to retire, in 2014, Ronnie was made an offer from London that he could not refuse. Would he run Ex DYNAMIC INFLUENCE full time if London paid his salary? Once this happened the pace of activity picked up. The other two departments in the Faculty of LSW, War Studies (WS) and the Department of International Affairs (DIA), now proved to be even more enthusiastic supporters alongside CABS.
Since 2014 we have regularly run six different five-day courses which build upon the exper- tise and building blocks that Sandhurst Officer Cadets are taught as part of their Commission- ing Course. They are: The Psychology of Leader- ship and Media Operations (CABS); International Conflict Management and Counter Terrorism (DIA) and Counter Insurgency and War Fight- ing (WS). We are currently trialling a new topic – Information Operations.
Naturally, Covid-19 had a major impact on our ability to travel so we adapted, and ran virtual sessions either via MS Teams or Zoom, the latter allowing for easier simultaneous translation into more than one language. In 2021 at the height of lockdown we taught a total of 2,322 Officers spread across countries from Vanuatu (some- times at midnight UK time) to South America. On one course a total of 450 Officers were taught by Dr Pablo Merino of DIA. They were drawn from nine different countries, some participants even watching and listening on their iPhones in the Brazilian jungle.
How do we know we have an effect? In terms of cost-benefit analysis, it is easy to measure the cost. The entire programme costs less than the capitation rate of an SO1 (Staff Officer 1st class, usually a Lieutenant Colonel). Measuring the benefit is more problematic. According to Donald Kirkpatrick’s model, a universally recog- nised method of evaluating training and learning outcomes, we know that we succeed at levels 1 and 2 (our audience’s reaction and learning) because we test these summatively. But we do not have the capacity to measure level 3, evalu- ating their post course behaviour at work. What we do know is that our courses are more popu- lar than ever. We also know that, if we did noth- ing, then no effect would be achieved, and we live in a world where competition for attention and influence is greater than ever.
Ex DYNAMIC INFLUENCE promotes and pro- jects Sandhurst across the world, demonstrat- ing its enduring relevance to military training and education and its cutting-edge practice. It pro- vides invaluable personal and professional devel- opment and research opportunities that widen and deepen the experience of our lecturers and enhances their appreciation and understanding of the International Cadets who attend Sandhurst. Ex DYNAMIC INFLUENCE is a valuable soft power tool that fulfils HMG’s wider aim to build and maintain relationships in the international community. We Academics also “Serve To Lead”.
Anyone interested in further details please email:

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