Page 109 - The Wish Stream Year of 2022
P. 109

 Kosovo Army Exchange Instructor
Lt Bajram GECI
The trust between Kosovo and the UK started to bloom since 1998, when British people were marching on the streets of London against the war in Kosovo, while holding high in their hands placards for the freedom of Kosovo. This trust has been experienced by British sol- diers on the ground after the war,
being welcomed with flowers and hugs by Kosovars. Now the bond between the United Kingdom and the Republic of Kosovo as stra- tegic partners is very solid with shared values, perspectives, and cultures as well.
My first experience with the Brit-
ish Army was in 2021, when I did
the Platoon Commanders’ Bat-
tle Course in Brecon from Janu-
ary to May. During my time as an
instructor at Kosovo Army Military Academy, I was also posted in a part-time job, in a working group for a new Professionally Qualified Officers Course establishment. Kosovo Army leadership and British Army advisers decided to send an attachment to Commissioning Course Short at The Royal Military Academy of Sandhurst, and with the gained experience returned to the Kosovo Army to contribute in the establishment of the same purpose. On the 5th of May 2022,
I arrived at the staff college gate of The Royal Military Academy Camp, where I was welcomed by a duty officer. I have received a very warm welcome followed by a short introduction to the RMAS camp. On my first days, I had almost five hours of guided tours, and was issued camp
maps. As I was interested in trail run- ning maps, I started exploring the mesmerising place surrounded by beautiful nature.
Being with the platoon commanders’ group helped me catch up very fast with RMAS regulations and proce- dures. Since it wasn’t my first time working with the British Army, I was
  Now the bond between the United Kingdom and the Republic of Kosovo as strategic partners is very solid with shared values, perspectives, and cultures as well.

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