Page 45 - The Wish Stream Year of 2022
P. 45

  to the enemy’s GPMG location, before posting a grenade and clearing through.
Transitioning into the urban phase, we thought we might get a welcome rest, but the com- mand appointments came thick and fast and the realities of living and operating in a village were brought home. Balancing key leader engage- ments with village dynamics proved a challenging task, but the OCdts coped well and managed to strike a good chord with the locals (who sounded suspiciously Scottish), which gave way to coop- eration from all sides. Despite the successful engagements with the locals, Blenheim Com- pany suffered a security breach on the final night which saw the building that housed the company raided by South Ostremek Separatists. A spe- cial mention goes to OCdt Harris who, having been woken up by the commotion on his birth- day, rolled over in his sleeping bag, grabbed his weapon and shot two of the enemy dead before turning over and falling straight back to sleep.
On completion of the urban phase, we were transported to a FOB which allowed us to start the rest period and prepare for the famous final attack. After a day of orders and building the larg-
est model pit we had ever seen, we embarked in the early hours of Friday morning for the ten- kilometre insertion TAB to our objective. What ensued was a simultaneous attack alongside Inkerman Company, methodically clearing build- ings on either side of the village. Working as part of a battlegroup motivated our company to achieve their objectives and it was stimulating to learn how all aspects of it came together. Both companies successfully cleared their objectives, upon which we applied safety catches for the last time at Sandhurst.
Our beret parade was a well-deserved moment after a swift attack, one where we all felt immensely proud of being that close to commis- sioning. The excitement from the beret parade was furthered by the glass of champagne and the vast breakfast spread which faced us as we entered the church. It was a fantastic way to end the exercise, and everyone was in high spirits. Ex DYNAMIC VICTORY is an exercise that for many of us will be the last infantry exercise on which we deploy. We are very grateful of the efforts of those involved in organising it. I am certain Ex DYNAMIC VICTORY will stick in all of our minds for a long while.

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