Page 46 - The Wish Stream Year of 2022
P. 46

Exercise DYNAMIC VICTORY Summer Term
JUO Peerless
34As OCdts from Commissioning Course 213 boarded the ferry to cross the English Channel, 34 was the num- ber of days to go until their Sovereign’s Parade, where they would get to march up the steps of Old College in front of their friends, families and loved ones. Standing between them, the rite of passage: Ex DYNAMIC VICTORY. The final exer- cise that OCdts at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst undertake before they commission into their chosen Corps and Regiments, and a
culmination of all their training at the Academy.
What did Ex DYNAMIC VICTORY involve?
Ex DYNAMIC VICTORY was a two-week exer- cise in Germany and can be broken down into two phases, the first phase was a three-day Life Fire Tactical Training package, which took place in Grafenwoehr training area. This saw OCdts conduct Individual, Fire Team, Section and Platoon level Live Fire attacks. After this, OCdts deployed by Chinooks (a highlight of the exercise for many) to Hohenfels training area, where they conducted the Blank Firing phase. This comprised of one urban and two rural lanes that the three Company’s rotated through across the week, spending 48 hours on each. These lanes tested the OCdts in a variety of different ways, from ambushes and advance to contacts in the rural lanes, to Key Leader Engagements (KLEs) and Vehicle Check Points (VCPs) in the urban lane. Therefore, this allowed the OCdts to employ all of the skills they had learnt throughout
the Commissioning Course. Following each lane ‘After Action Reviews’ were conducted, allow- ing OCdts to gain an insight into how they had performed throughout the training serials, along with any lessons that could be learnt and taken forward into their careers.
After the rotation through each lane, the Blank Firing phase concluded with a Battlegroup attack on the town of Uebungsdorf. But not before a busy 36-hour period for the (Cadet) Company and Platoon Commanders, who spent this time conducting Estimates, Orders and a Rehearsal of Concept (ROC) Drill. As well as this, Padre Luiz led a field service for all of the OCdts that was both stirring and poignant, before they stepped off on an 11.6km tab through the night to meet H-Hour at 0330hrs.
“STOP, STOP, STOP!” The words that signalled the end of the final attack, and of Ex DYNAMIC VICTORY as a whole. What came next were two of the most eagerly anticipated traditions of Sandhurst for the OCdts, the beret parade and commissioning breakfast. The beret parade saw OCdts remove their Sandhurst headdress and replace this with the beret of their Regi- ment/Corps for the first time. Following this, the Junior Under Officers (JUOs) for each company were announced; the rank of JUO is awarded to the two individuals considered to be the best of their Platoon and is a huge achievement for the OCdts selected. Following the beret parade, the

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