Page 87 - The Wish Stream Year of 2022
P. 87

At first glance, white water kayaking in North Wales in the middle of December doesn’t exactly jump off the page as the first activ- ity you’d choose for a Winter AT expedition, and I must admit we were apprehensive at first. The aim of this expedition and Adventurous Train- ing is to push individuals out of their comfort zone through controlled exposure to risk, and to develop both physical and mental robustness, as well as leadership. With freezing tempera- tures and high winds throughout the week, it was often a gruelling task for the group to mount their trusty kayaks and paddle head-first into the unknown. But we always persevered, putting our discomforts aside and streaming onward into the week’s fast-flowing programme.
We spent our first day learning the ropes on the idyllic Llyn Padarn, the central lake of Llanberis. Utilising the calm waters of a nearby alcove, the team began learning the rituals of recover- ing oneself from a capsize – a taster session of the icy Welsh waters. Spending the final hour of the opening day soaking wet and biblically cold, we quickly uncovered a keen incentive to stay upright for the days ahead!
By far the worst weather of the week landed on day two, with winds in excess of 60mph and a treacherous coastal bridge to navigate; our Expedition IC, OCdt Nicholas, made the neces- sary decision to cancel the day’s training, opt- ing instead for a sightseeing trip to the nearby Conwy Castle, but with the inclement weather closing the castle to visitors, not many sights
OCdt Nicholas (IC) & OCdt Helme
were seen, and so a nearby establishment was hastily occupied for both warmth and morale.
Over the following days, our training rapidly progressed from the flat waters of Llanberis, to menacing tidal currents at Four Mile Bridge (Anglesey), the grade 2-3 ghostly white waters of Serpents Tail and the River Dee on the final days. With our instructor emulating a mother mallard, we, his shivering ducklings, followed sheepishly behind in single file, bobbing and weaving our way around the many perilous river hazards we had been briefed on at the start of the week. The last day was quickly upon us and with it our greatest challenge, a grade 3 rapid! We strapped ourselves in for an adrenaline-fuelled descent through Serpents Tail and beyond, naturally los- ing a few ducklings enroute who seemingly fan- cied a quick ice bath.
So, was it all worth it? In my own and the group’s opinion, a resounding yes. The frozen waters and harsh weather’s effect on our bodies and minds could surely not have been overcome if not for the teamwork and leadership skills we have all devel- oped whilst at Sandhurst. Cymru am Freezing!

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