Page 88 - The Wish Stream Year of 2022
P. 88

 Lucknow Platoon Estimate Week
During Week 13, Lucknow Platoon com- pleted an OCdt-led Combat Estimate Week, designed and delivered by OCdt Dinkele
and OCdt Mann, completing the full planning and execution cycle. This built on from the previous weeks’ activities, which involved a model build- ing lesson and a set of RECCE orders delivered by OCdt Collins, followed by OCdts Dinkele and Mann writing a completely new FRAGO, never seen before in Lucknow Platoon.
The Platoon was broken down into four groups of mixed experiences and set a task of com- pleting the Estimate process. Monday involved Q0, Q1 and Q2, with collective discussions after each question to check progress and to discuss the levels of analysis. Tuesday saw the conclu- sion of the Estimate process with Q3, and Q4-6 for two tactically different COAs, and Q7 for the teams preferred COA. Each group presented their plan to the Platoon, followed by a vote on the best plan. The selected plan was then used to enable continuity during the orders writing process, where each group was allocated a spe- cific part of the orders to prepare and ultimately deliver later in the week. All throughout, OCdts Dinkele and Mann were moving between the groups, prompting critical thought and discus- sions, encouraging depth of analysis, to draw out at least two factors analysis for each point, using the AATAM as a guide.
On the Thursday, using the Platoon-made model on Monkey Hill, the Platoon delivered the full
set of orders, with each individual delivering an aspect of the orders. Due to the continuity of the plan, this worked very well and enabled a con- tinuous flow in the delivery, keeping the cadets engaged and invested in the full process. After this, the Platoon headed out onto the BAROSSA training area, to conduct a semi-tactical walk- through of the plan, with OCdts in role as a typical 1SR platoon. After the conclusion of the ATTACK, the Platoon gathered for a feedback session, where they first discussed the execu- tion of the plan, followed by a critical analysis of the tactics for the plan, linking the learning back to the initial phase of the Estimate process, com- pleting the full planning and execution cycle. This enabled the platoon to develop their knowledge and understanding of each stage within the planning process and, being OCdt-led, served as a great tool to empower the cadets in some quality self-directed learning.

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