Page 90 - The Wish Stream Year of 2022
P. 90

  The Lord Mayor’s Big Curry Lunch 2022
OCdt Sheehan
On 7th April 2022 10 OCdts from Lucknow Platoon supported The Lord Mayor’s Platinum Jubilee Big
Curry Lunch. Hosted at Guildhall, Lon- don, this annual event increases aware- ness of the Armed Forces and the Army Benevolent Fund whilst raising funds to support soldiers and veterans, and their families. Funds raised this year are supporting the Pain Management Programme (PMP) at King Edward VII Hospital for Veterans, and LifeWorks, a charity providing employment support to veterans and their families.
The Academy supported this event in two ways, through OCdts volunteering on the day, and the donation of two silent auction prizes. Attendees were able to bid to win a Dinner Night and tour at RMAS donated by The Sandhurst Trust and Aramark Catering, and VIP tickets to Sovereign’s Parade in December donated by The Commandant.
The Sandhurst OCdts were employed alongside other military and civilian vol- unteers in support of the event. Work- ing in three teams they greeted guests, acted as ushers in the great hall, and promoted the silent auction and raffle. Although initially most found the act of approaching groups about the auction daunting, they soon found their confi- dence and were mingling like pros, pro- moting the lots, and answering ques- tions about life at Sandhurst. Guests included Their Royal Highnesses Prin- cess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie.
After the final guests had departed, all volunteers were invited to attend the final lunch sitting and relax after a hard day’s work. This provided OCdts with the opportunity to spend time and net- work with other volunteers, including representatives from the Chelsea Pen- sioners, London UOTC, and the Hon- ourable Artillery Company.
The event raised funds in support of the Pain Management Programme and LifeWorks.
Afterwards, the OCdts were invited to an informal reception at the Honour- able Artillery Company where they per- suaded the Chief of The Defence Staff, Admiral Sir Tony Radakin KCB, to pose for a photograph with them.

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