Page 92 - The Wish Stream Year of 2022
P. 92

Lucknow Platoon Platinum Jubilee Celebrations
OCdt Lewis
“Does my bum look big in this?” OCdt King asked in his gruff, masculine voice, sporting a wig, make-up, and union jack dress (somehow) more revealing than
Gerri Halliwell’s famed equivalent.
“Errr... Whatever you do, don’t sit down.” Some- one implored. “The same for you, Tidy.”
“What!” OCdt Tidy ejaculated, “It’s just a kilt, man!”
as possible’. Being temporar- ily physically challenged, a real sports day would be somewhat harder to organise, but ‘throw the boot as close to the cone as possible’ alongside ‘throw the toy
 We were stood near the racetrack at the bot- tom of Old College, the sun blazing down and halfway through a game of ‘throw
the boot as close to the cone
rocket into the hoop’ and perhaps even ‘slingshot the beanbag into the square box’ could no doubt, with the right lobbying strategy, make it to the Olympic games someday. Split into five teams of four, could there be a better way to celebrate Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee?
There are moments where I look around myself, at the grand buildings and the lush green lawns by the clear blue lake and wonder how the hell I made it where I am today. There are equally moments like the Lucknow Platoon’s sports day where I think exactly the same thing.
The day started with presentations from OCdts Redpath and Brown on the history of the Monar- chy and the Queen’s association with the military. Since we’d already decorated the lines in union jacks alongside multiple cardboard cut-outs of the Queen (to be eyes righted when passed), it all felt very atmospheric, informative, engaging and well researched. SAF 5s all round.
We then hobbled outside in fancy dress, avoid- ing the gazes of the no doubt disgruntled Juniors cleaning their weapons in Chapel Square having just returned from Ex SELF RELIANCE. Have fun with that troops.
After a round of the aforementioned games, we moved onto ‘throw the egg without it breaking’.
 “Errr... Whatever you do, don’t sit down.” Someone implored. “The same for you, Tidy.”

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