Page 21 - Jigsaw October 2020
P. 21

                                Thrapston Library.........................................................................
Fancy a good read? The Library has new rules to follow...
From Tuesday September 1st 2020, the public will be allowed to enter the building to select their own books but they must follow the guidelines listed below:-
• Only 2 persons allowed into the building
at one time and we will operate a one in
one out policy.
• All customers wishing access must first
book a 15 minute slot by ringing 01604
368209, 07587 926655 or email.
• Face masks must be worn, unless a certificate can be produced, and
antibacterial gel must be applied to both
hands upon entry to the building.
• The Self Service Machines will not be
available to the public, books must be
brought to the counter for checking out.
• A box will be made available for
returned books to be deposited into for
• There will be a one-way system in
operation, which will be clearly marked, along with 2 metre distancing
marks and the route will end at
the service desk.
• The children’s section will not be open for play and children will only be allowed access
to the building if accompanied by an adult. Adults/parents can select books to be taken away for children to read.
• There will be boxes around the library for books handled but not wanted, to be placed into for quarantining purposes.
• Any customer entering the Library will have their Library Card number recorded
for Tracking & Tracing purposes.
Computer use must be booked beforehand and only one
computer will be available. The Library to You and the Select & Collect services will continue to be available as before.
 The Friends of Thrapston Library Volunteers thank you for your
patience and understanding during these difficult times.
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