Page 3 - Jigsaw October 2020
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Stay local – Shop local – make the most of your High Street...
Have you visited Thrapston High Street recently? Shops and businesses are back open again, ready to serve you safely and with a smile. Social distancing rules are
in place, hand sanitisers, friendly and welcoming people are here to serve you!
It has always been
important to shop locally and
to support neighbourhood businesses. We’re lucky here
to have so many good shops
with a wide range of things on offer.
Now more than ever our community needs you to use them whenever you can. Supporting them means keeping our local economy healthy. This in turn helps to keep our communities thriving as a great place to live and work, a place where our properties grow in value, where our young people
can grow up in a happy, healthy place and where a sense of togetherness, looking out
You can now view Jigsaw online at
for each other grows and benefits everyone, of all ages. And staying closer to home at the moment may help limit exposure to germs and bugs.
So before you drive further afield to the big shops or reach for your iPad to go online, THINK LOCAL FIRST!
Many are offering local and UK-wide delivery and going the extra mile to help you shop local. Thank you for your support and loyalty!
THRAPSTON FARMERS MARKET UPCOMING DATES Saturdays 9am to 1pm, 3rd October,
7th November, 5th December.
Great for your everyday essentials, as well
as treat foods and gifts. A food hamper is
a great gift idea. NEW STALL: The Fruity Farmer, fruit-infused gins, vodkas and more - attending 7th November.
 Christmas is coming and the High Street would love as many of you as possible to shop with us and use our services. HERE’S A CHALLENGE! Can you buy all of your Christmas gifts, food and supplies in Thrapston this year? Every bit you spend is a help, and shopping local is really enjoyable too.
     As well as printing 4,000 copies...
                                                           And look out for us on Facebook too:
 If you would like anything to be included in the November issue of Jigsaw, send it to: Editorial:
by 28th September 2020. Advertising: by 1st October 2020.
If you would like anything to be included in the December issue of Jigsaw, send it to: Editorial:
by 29th October 2020. Advertising: by 2nd November 2020.
 The publishers of Jigsaw do not necessarily agree with the views expressed by contributors to this magazine and do not accept any responsibility for any errors in transmission in the subject matter of this publication. All advertisements are included in good faith and the publishers, cannot therefore accept any responsibility for any services offered by advertisers. No part of this publication may be reproduced without express written permission. Anybody who supplies a photograph to be used in Jigsaw is responsible for obtaining permission and release statements from any person or item, whose image appears on them.

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