Page 5 - Jigsaw October 2020
P. 5

 St. Nicholas’ Church, Islip
Sun 4th
Sun 11th
Sun 18th
Sun 25th
10.30am Family Service online and in church
10.30am Morning Service online and in church
10.30 Morning Service online and in church
10.30 Online service with Holy Communion in church
Sun 4th
Sun 11th
Sun 18th
Sun 25th
Sun 1st Nov
*Communion will be wafer only, not the cup.
9.15am: Communion* 9.15am: Sunday Worship 9.15am: Communion* 9.15am: Sunday Worship 9.15am: Communion*
10.30am Showing of the Family Service - in
St James, Thrapston
To ensure social distancing is maintained and so that we can prepare the buildings appropriately, anyone wanting to attend the services must book in advance. You can do so via a simple booking form on our website. Please note that anyone attending will also be required to wear a face mask unless they are exempt from doing so.
Denford Holy Trinity Church
It seems a very long time since we have been worshipping at St Nicholas as Covid restrictions followed straight on from the closure for the roof repairs!
Hopefully we will have been able to have two services, albeit limited ones, during September.
The times and dates for October hadn’t been finalised when we had to go the printer so the services above are probable dates following the new pattern. Do please check in case there have been any changes. Almost certainly masks will need to be worn and there will have to be prebooking as social distancing means we won’t be able to have as many people in church. Do look on the church website or ring/email one of us nearer the time. We do, however, still extend a warm welcome to all to any of our services! If you would like to come to a church service but don’t want to come on your own or find getting there difficult feel free to contact one of us and we’ll do our best to help.
Contact details: Priest: Rev Nolan Robson: 734614, Reader: Joy Farey-Wood: 733073, Churchwardens: Sally Morris: 733392, Elizabeth Cox: 734253, elizco@btinternet., Secretary: Ann Drew: 07702 132 983 and Treasurer: Fiona McGill.
Sun 4th Sun 11th Sun 18th Sun 25th
Holy Communion 9.15am Holy Communion 9.15am Morning Worship 9.15am Holy Communion 9.15am
St James’ Thrapston
It won’t look quite like this, we’ll be a bit more spaced apart, but along with the online service, we will be holding physical services in Thrapston.
There will be no refreshments at any of the services and we ask that you observe social distancing requirements and wear a mask.
Advance notices:
Remembrance Sunday: The plan is to hold a shortened open-air service at the War Memorial with speakers to allow us all to hear but at a social distance.
All services are subject to change.
Feel free to contact any of us at Holy Trinity if we can help with shopping etc or just to chat!! We send you all, love and hugs. Stay safe and healthy!
 St. James’ Church
St. Nicholas’ Church, Islip Holy Trinity Church, Denford Rector: Reverend Nolan Robson
e: t: 01832 734614

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