Page 20 - Jigsaw February 2020
P. 20

Around your area............................................................................
The W.I. skittle season starts soon and we are practising every Tuesday at Islip Working Men’s Club from 7.30pm. Supporters very welcome.
Thank you to everyone for their support, in whatever form, for the fantastic results in our 2019 Shoebox Campaign.
Our 465 boxes were sent to the following range of countries; Belarus, Liberia, Ukraine, Serbia, Bosnia and the Middle East.
The 2020 Campaign is already on our calendar and we will soon be posting dates for your diary! The usual list of much needed items, workshops and
fundraising events will
be made available
Again, sincere thanks for supporting the many children who have nothing. Cindy & Lindsey Thrapston OCC
Steve Pateman will tell us all about the story behind the Kinky Boots hit film and a show on
Friday 21 February
at The Plaza between 10.30am and noon (doors will open at 09.50am).
We welcome visitors BUT, unfortunately, we are unable to allow them access before 10.15am and only then if there is seating available. Fire regulations restrict the numbers permitted in the hall and it is important that priority is given to members.
The cost for each visitor is £2, which includes refreshments.
If you want more information about the U3A, please ring Sue Campbell on 07753 635666

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