Page 107 - Wish Stream Year of 2018
P. 107

    Sandhurst contractors welcome to President Trump
CDSs, be-medalled uniforms were like a vapour trail around the Sandhurst Estate. 100 minutes on site passed in a jiffy, Sandhurst staff and cadets (Commandant, Commander, Academy Sergeant Major, College RSMs, staff and 58 officer cadets – including US international cadets flown back from their final exercise in Germany and some cadets from Westpoint) managed to snatch a staged photo opportunity which is embodied in a picture hanging on various walls around Sandhurst. And Major General Nanson,
Commandant, managed to ‘coin’ the President – his best coining yet.
How do you sum up an occasion like this? CO SAS captured the moment best in his post visit note: “It is a rare occasion that we thank people after blowing up their property and trashing their trees. Nevertheless, you have all earned it many times over for what you did today. Thank you for all the support and I hope we don’t have to bother you in this way again. Who Dares Wins.”

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