Page 63 - Wish Stream Year of 2018
P. 63

skinning we had done so far was based around technical training, interrupted by avalanche the- ory and practical training. As such, by the end of the week the team was determined to get some mileage under our belts. As a group we decided that the only way to do this was to go a guaran- teed good route that we knew. So, although not very adventurous, the team skied up the side of the Hovden Ski Resort. We soon all had a good sweat on, and with heavy breathing and ach- ing legs were all satisfied that we had earned a
break and our lunch. Afterwards, we began our individual best effort avalanche rescue test to complete SF3.
The Officer Cadets who undertook Ex SLIDING SOLDIER would like to thank The Sandhurst Trust for all of their help and for the generous grant provided to help us conduct adventurous training. We learnt new skills, challenged our- selves and had an amazing week in Norway.
 AT falling in December for CC182 saw the perfect opportunity for a winter trip, with eight Officer Cadets taking the opportunity to learn to Nordic Ski in Norway. Travelling to the area of Rjukan, the OCdts were taught by mountain goat: Glyn Sheppard. Glyn’s military and adventurous training background provided countless stories and life hacks during the week. As a result, the OCdts are going into Senior Term with exercise tricks to last for days and the inspi- ration that life in the Army is rather good outside the gates of RMAS.
OCdt Ecott
part Ray Mears documentary, which inspired increasingly sceptical route choices between the trees. As the snow (and temperature) continued to fall, the group broadened their winter skills by learning to snow-shoe – thankfully, a little less time was spent on the floor.
With Rjukan nestled within the region famous for the Heroes of Telemark, it was only fitting to learn the military history – Glyn, with the assis- tance of Brian Desmond, did a fantastic job of
telling us the tales of the saboteurs’ winter survival and assault on the Vemork Power Station. On day six of the trip, the OCdts took the opportu- nity to retrace the route of Operation Gunnerside – the sabotage carried out to destroy the Vemork Power Station, which was believed to be being utilised
by the German Regime to enable the produc- tion of atomic weapons. Together with a browse around the Vemork museum, this was a perfect culmination of the trip, putting together the phys- ical, mental and military challenge faced by the saboteurs.
Snow conditions were optimum
for learning, with soft powder mak-
ing for more gentle tumbles. After
the first day, everyone found their
feet, and the group developed their
skillset to the dreaded “kick double
pole” and the seemingly impossible “skate”. With a basic proficiency under their belts, the lure of off-piste took the group into some interesting terrain, where the tumbles continued. During the evenings, Glyn gave presentations on avalanche safety and snow shelters, skills which were prac- tised during the day. We also watched a three-
 Snow conditions were optimum for learning...

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