Page 64 - Wish Stream Year of 2018
P. 64

OCdt Bhalerao
Day 1
A hard day of travelling heralded
our first day of adventurous training;
planes, trains and automobiles were
the order of the day as we set off
on the long road to Austria. A hearty
airport Wetherspoons’ breakfast
was a fine first meal for our intrepid
band, and a smooth flight, aided by a stiff east- erly breeze sped us on our way, which meant we arrived raring to go, the day capped with the collection of our skis, and an introduction to the sights of Neustifdt Im Stubaital from our instruc- tor, Lt Col John Wilson.
Day 2
Our introduction to the piste was short and sharp, with a group of non-skiers. It was ironi- cally an uphill struggle for our instructor to try and shape us into a lean mean skiing machine. Despite a slow start, however, we ended the day conquering the first blue slope of most of our skiing careers, with a few minor crashes, and a couple of major ones, the only blemishes on a day of rapid improvement.
Day 3
Our second day on the mountain
was much like the first: a slow start,
a revise and remind of the previous
day’s activities before we set out
once more, up, up and away to the
higher peaks of the mountain. The
grey skies that greeted us were an
omen of things to come but did not reflect the dazzling skills being shown on the slopes, more complex blues falling to our blades.
Day 4
Our third day of shredding was a chal- lenge for the whole team, as the tra- vails of the previous few days were catching up with us. As battered and bruised as our bodies were though, our spirits were willing, and we ven- tured once more to ever higher peaks,
the red slopes of the glacier proving no trouble for the brave men of The Falklands Company, who just days before had barely been able to stand up while perfectly still. The weather that day was glorious, and the sun shone down on us. We had no idea of what was about to befall us.
Day 5
The blizzard that hit on our fourth day of skiing will live long in the memory of all those that bat- tled through it. With the highest slopes closed off due to high winds, temperatures reaching -11°C, and visibility down to a few feet, most people stayed off the glacier. Not the fighting men of Ex STUBAI CADET though. We mounted up regardless and were rewarded with empty
slopes for our efforts. Some technical lessons on the finer points of skiing on more complex slopes set us up nicely as we approached our final day.
Day 6
Our final day saw us complete the Ski Foundation 1 course, and we were set loose upon the slopes in small groups.
Black runs were the order of the day, ability matched and possibly exceeded only by confi- dence, and the lack of crashes suggest it was not unwarranted. All in all, a successful expedi- tion, and one that will live long in the memory.
 Our third day of shredding was a challenge for the whole team...
 Not the
fighting men
of Ex STUBAI CADET though.

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