Page 11 - Cormorant 2019
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                Supporting officers and their families for life
Employment Call us on 0207 808 4160
The aim of any career transition is to achieve a fulfilling and sustainable career in a role that feels right and takes into account career aspirations and skills.
We help you to make this happen by providing:
  • One to One career consultations
• Executive jobs board
Grants and Welfare
• Workshops and webinars • Networking events
• Professional development
Call us on 020 7808 4175
Life can be tough. We are here for former officers and their families during those challenging times to provide financial support and advice, no matter where they live.
Last year we supported over 1,000 people with:
 • Advice on statutory benefits and adult social care
• Annual allowances
• One off payments for specific household or disability items
• Grants towards domiciliary care
• Help with loneliness • Legal questions

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