Page 23 - Cormorant 2019
P. 23

  Duin. After dinner, a speech heralding the incredible feats of those involved
in the Battle of Taranto was delivered, culminating in a toast to “the Men of Taranto.” From there, the true festivities commenced.
A thespian performance of Oscar winning quality, comprehensively
and historically accurate (not in the pure academic sense of course, but most definitely in line with Chilcott’s ‘reasonable challenge’ ethos) was staged, ably acted by the Fleet Air Arm and Italian members of ICSC(M) and ACSC 22. It culminated, to rapturous applause, with an impressive recreation of the visual and sensory experiences of the battle, through an awe-inspiring
detonation of fireworks. For many of the guests, British and international alike, this was their first exposure to the traditions of the seminal event for the Fleet Air Arm, which, by all indications, they enjoyed immensely.
Working with officers and their families
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