Page 70 - Cormorant 2019
P. 70

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Cormorant Dash
Maj Alexander Willemen, Royal Netherlands Army, and Cdr Rebecca Warren
    2019’S CORMORANT DASH SAILING expedition to Normandy was one of the highlights of the final phase of ACSC. As the non-sailing students contemplated the 0430 coach from Shrivenham for the ACSC staff ride to Normandy, Exercise Cormorant Finale, the outbound sailing crews headed down to JSASTC at a civilised hour
on Friday. Shopping was the first task. With an international crew this was the first step
of bonding. The amount of bacon, eggs and milk (for tea) was astonishing! It would take an
8-person crew at least 4 four meals a day to finish all this.
On Saturday, after some drills in and around the harbour, the 5 boat flotilla set sail to the Isle of Wight, where the last preparations, tidal maths and shopping were done for the ‘Great crossing.’ At 0430 on Sunday the flotilla set out for a beautiful day of sailing. Overtaken by the ferry transporting the first wave of students on Cormorant Finale, the fleet exchanged texts until we ran out of phone signal. Navigating through the different tides and shipping lanes, we further developed our sailing skills. One
of the most important skills in sailing is achieving
the right amount of ‘sophistication’ on arrival; a cool glass of white wine or rosé accompanied with a nice plate of cheese in the marina. In this case, the French marina of St-Vaast-la-Hogue, brilliantly planned
on the 14th of July: Bastille Day! Our Defence engagement with the French traditions got to another level and we fully enjoyed a huge fireworks display.

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