Page 68 - Cormorant 2019
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Cormorant Velo 2019 – Commemorating 75 years since D-Day
Cdr Peter Barfoot
 EVERY YEAR AS PART of the last field trip of the course to Normandy, a small but slightly unhinged contingent of ACSC decide to cycle to
France as opposed to sit on a warm, comfortable coach. In the dark days of autumn 2018 a team of fifty of all abilities signed up to the
event to trace the tyres of their forebears. Over the next 10 months the cycling team were out in all weathers braving the hazardous Wiltshire and Oxfordshire roads to ensure that a suitable level of fitness was achieved in time for the expedition. For some the coffee stops were not so obligatory and it was a case of trying to beat their personal best around the Uffington loop, whereas for others it was a constant battle to keep the
‘Shrivenham Stone’ under control so that that lycra left over from ICSC would still fit!
Nevertheless, everyone reached the required standard and on 15 July, the Commandant waved off the team as we headed south on the first leg to Portsmouth. The weather was superb and the six pelotons made excellent time down to the South Coast. After a hairy negotiation of Portsmouth rush hour traffic, everyone arrived at HMS EXCELLENT where a warm welcome was waiting for the cyclists with a barbeque hosted by the Royal Navy Sailing Centre. Thankfully for those non-matelots, the crossing was flat calm and the only disruptions
for some were those snores emanating from cabin-mates.
A beautiful clear and cool morning awaited the cyclists for day two of the Velo and after

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