Page 67 - Cormorant 2019
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   more importantly, the Ball was attended by a record- breaking 1100 sell-out crowd.
Such a fabulous evening would never have been possible without the unwavering support and industriousness of our Serco partners. From handling the complex accounting, to decorating
the formidable Cormorant Building, to providing excellent service and delicious fare to which we were treated, the capable and experienced Serco team was second to none. Special mention must go to Ian Walker, Kellie Jones, Al Hacker and Janine Pill, all of whom were in the thick of bringing the committee’s vision to life throughout the planning and on the night.
Following such a wonderful event, it is difficult to imagine that it will ever be topped! So to the 2020 Purple Ball committee, the challenge is set.........
  Regiment, dancers, Jazz Coast four piece band, laser clay pigeon shooting, a casino and a cocktail bar, which was a real favourite.
Finally, for those who wished to relax, this was offered by the Petra Shisha tent outside
the Fieldhouse.
Bringing this wonderful evening together was no mean feat. Under the guidance
of the chairman, Simon Kelly and lead Directing Staff member, Katharine Armstrong,
the committee represented the Academy as a whole. All departments from both the
Joint Services Command and Staff College and the Station Officers’ Messes (encompassing Defence Concepts and Doctrine Centre, Cranfield University and the Defence Engagement School)
were represented. The effect was twofold: firstly, all elements of the Academy were catered for, and

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