Page 65 - Cormorant 2019
P. 65

 Vice-Marshal Harvey Smyth, should be the guest
of honour at the event and herald the Squadron’s continued future with the RAF. Perhaps 617 Squadron is now a long way from dropping bouncing bombs from a Lancaster, but the Dambusters’ legendary innovation, professionalism and bravery are attributes which continue to embody the RAF of the 21st century.
  none of the original aircrew were able to make it,
the 617 Squadron association, represented by
Wg Cdr Andrew Walters, eloquently invoked the memory of the raid and the historical significance
of the night of 16 May 1943. Tributes were paid to the Commonwealth countries who participated in
the mission: Australia, Canada and New Zealand: a timely reminder of their continued ties with the UK, as all three nations are represented within the ACSC 22 cohort.
617 Squadron is not just of historical significance for the RAF but has a pivotal role for the Service’s next generation of aircraft, having been designated as the first squadron to stand up with the Lightning aircraft at RAF Marham and on-board the Queen Elizabeth Carrier. It was fitting therefore that AOC 1 Group, Air

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