Page 102 - The Bugle 2018
P. 102

I have focussed this year on engaging local communities across the South West with the aim of explaining and, if necessary, re-establishing links with our local communities, so that they know The Rifles is their county regiment. In July we delivered a 3-night open air concert (Wyvern 18) in conjunction with the BBC and an internationally renowned folk band, Show of Hands. 1000+ people joined me in Wyvern Barracks to hear the story of Devonshire soldiers over the last 100 years and to be told that The Rifles was their county regiment. A further 1million+ engaged with the message through our marketing plan. The feedback has been overwhelm- ingly positive and leads to the question what comes next; Wyvern 19 is at the planning stage, but it is clear there is significant interest amongst our communities about who we are and what we stand for. This represents a great opportunity for us to actively engage one of our key regimental pillars which we have yet to fully engage following the formation of The Rifles 11 years ago; our local communities want to get to know us and to know how they can support our Riflemen.
In terms of wider utility and role, 6 RIFLES continues to provide all infrastructure support to Ten Tors (the largest youth challenge event in the country) and its role in support of Ex CAMBRIAN PATROL is growing (we will deliver the enemy position and the assembly area tasks this year). Defence Engagement continues at pace and at the time of writing the RMO and her team are deployed to Armenia, working with their US counterparts to provide Combat Medical training to the Armenians. The unit’s mountaineering exped to climb Mt Kazbek, in partnership with the Georgian Armed Forces, deploys at the end of August. At a time of increased tension and focus on Russia, 6 RIFLES continues to demonstrate the relevance and utility of the Army Reserve in the Defence Engagement field.
Our relationship with 1 RIFLES remains as strong as ever, helped by the fact that both COs have served together on and off over the last 20 years, initially as Pl Comds in Northern Ireland. Riflemen from 6 RIFLES have deployed to Kenya (Ex ASKARI STORM) and Georgia (Ex NOBEL PARTNER) with 1 RIFLES and we are in the process of generating up to 15 Riflemen to support 1 RIFLES’ deployment on Op TORAL in 2019. It is interesting to note how many Riflemen have joined the regular battalions from 6 RIFLES; they have used the Reserve as a try before you buy and enjoyed it so much have transferred to become regulars. This also works in reverse, with Riflemen at all stages of their careers opting to continue serving in the Reserve when they leave regular service.
In summary, 6 RIFLES is a happy, vibrant and capable Reserve unit that, unlike some other Reserve units, can generate mass. In excess of 350 Riflemen are actively engaged and companies are able to parade upwards of 75 Riflemen for training nights and weekends. There is still work to be done to sustain the offer which in turn will sustain growth and capability, but we are in a very strong position to meet all and any challenges thrown at us. This will be my last article as Commanding Officer and it has been an honour and a privilege to shape the Battalion, continue the work of my predecessors and to watch the capability and confidence of my Riflemen grow. We have a truly once in a generation opportunity to realise the potential of the Reserve in support of the Regular Army; I hope that this is recognised and able to be realised by those at Field Army level. I will see what I can do in my next job to support this opportunity.
Lt Col J P PENHALE Commanding Officer 6 RIFLES Swift and Bold
   Riflemen on Ex Nobel Partner

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