Page 192 - The Bugle 2018
P. 192

                                THE RIFLES - REGIONAL STRUCTURE
         Colonel Commandant
  Assistant Colonel Commandant (FA)
Assistant Colonel Commandant (HC)
  Colonel Recruiting (Officers)
Colonel Cadets
  RIFLES Office HQ Infantry
Regimental Headquarters
   Colonel The Rifles (London and South) Brig Rob Thomson
Colonel The Rifles (South West & West) Maj Gen Rupert Jones
Colonel The Rifles ( North & Midlands) Brig Charlie Collins
        Rifles Office London
Rifles Office South (At RHQ)
Rifles Office Shrewsbury
Rifles Office Pontefract
Rifles Office Durham
     County Colonel Berkshire
Lt Col (Retd) Chris Booth
County Colonel Salop Lt Col (Retd) Nick Jenkins
City Colonel Liverpool Lt Col (Retd) Sean McEvoy
County Colonel Durham The Hon James Ramsbotham
      County Colonel Wiltshire
Lt Col (Retd) Tim Lerwill
City Colonel
Birmingham Col (Retd) Marius Coulon
County Colonel Yorkshire West Lt Col (Retd) Robin Smith
      City Colonel
Winchester Col (Retd) Johnny Schute
City Colonel Coventry Col Damian Griffin
County Colonel Yorkshire South Lt Col (Retd) Graham Whitmore
     County Colonel Oxfordshire Col (Retd) Mike Montague
Dep Hon Colonel Y Coy Col (Retd) Brian Denney
  Rifles Office Exeter
Rifles Office Taunton
      County Colonel Buckinghamshire Lt Col (Retd) Simon Wilkinson
County Colonel Dorset
Lt Col (Retd) Andrew Edwards
County Colonel Somerset Brig (Retd) Richard Toomey
County Colonel Mansfield Sir John Peace
    County Colonel Devon Brig (Retd) Simon Young
City Colonel Bristol
Lt Col (Retd) Mike Motum
    County Colonel Cornwall Brig (Retd) Gage Williams
County Colonel Hereford Col (Retd) Andy Taylor
  County Colonel Gloucester Maj (Retd) Tony Ayres
     City Colonel(s) London Brig (Retd) Ed Butler Jonathan Trower Esq
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