Page 193 - The Bugle 2018
P. 193

     Green Jacket Close
On 15 July 1904, the Cottage Homes for Disabled Rifleman, as they were then known, were opened by Field Marshal H R H the Duke of Connaught, Colonel in Chief of the Rifle Brigade, and H R H the Princess Christian of Schleswig Holstein, whose son, Prince Christian Victor, had died in 1900 in South Africa, while serving with the King’s Royal Rifle Corps.
The homes, which consisted of four pairs of semi-detached cottages, were built as a memorial to the members of the King’s Royal Rifle Corps and the Rifle Brigade who had been killed in action or died of wounds or disease during the Boer War, a total of 44 officers and 550 men. One of the pairs of 60th cottages was dedicated in memory of Prince Christian Victor, and another pair of 95th cottages was given by the Duke of Connaught.
The money for the homes was raised by the Riflemen’s Aid Society, much of it by subscription, from serving and former officers, NCOs and men of the regiments but also included a number of large donations from individuals. The total cost was nearly £6,000.
The original cottages have all been modernised and five of them have each been converted into two one-bedroom flats. In addition, in 1966, four two-bedroom houses, two two-bedroom flats and two one-bedroom flats were built on the site with funds provided by the Riflemen’s Aid Society, increasing the total number of housing units available to 21; currently there are 26 residents including widows and widowers.
Upon formation of The Rifles in 2007 “Green Jacket Close” was absorbed into The Rifles Benevolent Trust and the occupation of the home was opened up to all members of the Forming and Antecedent Regiments, as well as those who continue to serve with the Rifles.
Applications for a tenancy of a House or Flat will be accepted from:
a. A married couple, civil partnership or partnership
(of not less than than 5 years standing in the latter case) where the qualifying ex-serviceman is aged 60-70 (except in special cases) and subject in the case of the ex-serviceman to service quali- fications in The Rifles or one of its forming or antecedent Regiments.
b. Any individual aged 60-70 (except in special cases) who has the requisite service qualifications in The Rifles or one of its forming or antecedent Regiments.
c. A Regimental widow, civil partner or partner aged 60-70 (except in special cases) subject to the necessary service and marriage or partnership
qualifications with special reference to paragraph 2 below, even if she/he has not previously occupied a House or Flat with her/his husband or partner. In this note a Regimental Widow or partner is defined as:
(1) One who was the wife, civil partner or partner (in the latter case for at least 5 years) of a Rifleman or Private during his service with The Rifles or one of its forming or antecedent Regiments, and who was living at the House or Flat with him at the time of his death.
(2) One who was the wife, civil partner or partner of a Rifleman or Private having been married or a partner to him for a period of not less than twenty years and who was living in the House or Flat with him at the time of his death.
Trustees review the eligibility criteria on a regular basis and emphasis is placed on those who are most “in need”. It takes into account such things as if anyone who has been disabled or wounded as a result of active service, incapacity due to service and other contributory factors. The homes are not a care facility and individuals must be able to look after themselves with possibly the assistance of family and/or social services.
Further information can be obtained by contacting RHQ the Rifles on 01962 828535 or 01962 828530 or by emailing request for info/application form to
        THE RIFLES

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