Page 207 - The Bugle 2018
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                                 “Inkerman” Dinner Friday 3 November 2017
The Inkerman Dinner was held at the Dubmire RBL Club and Fencehouses as usual. 115 sat down to dinner which had largely been arranged by Brian Laverick Sec/Treasurer and the committee led by Mr Ralph Harrison, who welcomed everyone to the Dinner, the catering once again in the capable hands of the Edinburgh Caterers. John Norton brought and displayed the 1DLI Replica Colours which set the scene so brilliantly. James Dean from the Birtley Co-op Distribution Centre had been invited as the chief guest and brought with him a huge Christmas Hamper as a raffle prize. Major Paul Wharton, MM, Chairman DLI Association, spoke of the important part the Association plays in the life of the regiment and gave some of his ideas as to how the Associ- ation would celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the disbandment of the DLI which would form the backbone of the DLI Reunion in September 2018. The Regimental Secretary Major Chris Lawton MBE DL spoke of the present deployment of the various battalions of the Rifles in many tasks and in various parts of the world. The message was that The Rifles was strong and healthy and ready for the fight
and for the formation of the new Reserve Bn 8th Rifles which formed on Wed 1 November at Bishop Auckland. The President Lt Col John Heron TD spoke of the work being done at present to move the VC Stone from its present position beside the former DLI Museum, and asked for strong support for what he hoped would be the last VC Stone Ceremony before the stone was moved to its new location on Palace Green. The raffle tickets were once again sold by Alan Sumerson and his team and made over £360 on the night.
   115 members and guests sit down to their Annual Dinner in the Dubmire RBL Club
      The VC Stone Ceremony – Sunday 5 November 2017
The VC Stone Ceremony was, hopefully for the last time, held at the VC Stone’s present location beside the former DLI Museum, The “Faithful” Inkerman Dinner Club had been on the site a few days beforehand to make it presentable for the ceremony, as there had been no work done there since the day of the closure of the Museum and there was a lot tidying up to be done. However, all was respectable for the ceremony, which, in 2017 as well as commemorating the Victoria Crosses of all the holders, particularly commemorated the VC of Pte Thomas Kenny of Wheatley Hill and Wingate. Three Durham Light Infantry Association Standard Bearers were present with their standards, as were 2 buglers from the Durham ACF Band & Bugles. It was once again a beautiful morning with the sun dappling through the golden Autumn leaves. A small company, including the Chairman DLI Association Maj Paul Wharton
MM, of around twenty of the “Faithful” assembled to hear the President Lt Col John Heron TD tell the story of Pte Thomas Kenny’s winning of the Victoria Cross, on 4th November 1915 in a vain attempt to save the life of his officer, Lt Philip Brown DLI, who had been shot through both thighs. Two Buglers from the Durham ACF were present to sound the bugle calls. The names of all the DLI VC winners were read by the “Inkerman” Club Chairman Mr Ralph Harrison, while the Kohima Epitaph was spoken by Brian Laverick. Wreaths were laid by Lt Col John Heron for the Club, Major Chris Lawton for the Regiment, and Mr Ralph Harrison for the Kenny family. The assembled company then sang the regimental hymn Abide with me before the National Anthem was played. The ceremony was rounded off with a final photograph of all present around the VC Stone.
        Members of the Inkerman Dinner Club and DLI Assn gather behind the DLI VC Stone for the last time in its present location. 05 November 2017

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