Page 41 - Oundle Life September 2023
P. 41

Beautiful berries and seeds
Autumn is nature’s own planting time. Branches and hedgerows weighed down with seeds, fruits and berries are synonymous with the change of season as days shorten and temperatures begin to cool. Even though it feels like we have been in autumn for a few weeks already thanks to the cold and wet summer this year, our gardens and nature around us will still start their annual
slow down. The seeds, berries and
fruits will swell and set. The leaves will
begin to change colour before falling
to the ground, leaving their trees bare
over winter.
Berberis and Cotinus Coggygria for colourful interesting foliage. Autumn however is the perfect time to plant any tree or shrub, not just the ones looking their best right now.
Now is the time to buy and plant your spring flowering bulbs. Think daffodils, narcissus, crocus, hyacinths, tulips, snowdrops, fritillaries. Plant them straight in the ground or in pots for
   Following natures lead, autumn is
the perfect time to plant new trees
and shrubs. The soil is soft and damp
enough for roots to begin to establish before the cold arrives. When you think of autumn trees and shrubs, you might think of Pyracantha, Cotoneaster and Rowan for their colourful berries or Crab Apple for their fruit and
autumn is the perfect time to plant new trees and shrubs
a fantastic display to grow and bloom next spring. If you are a little less patient and cannot wait until spring for some colour, hardier autumn plants such as asters, violas, cyclamen and chrysanthemums can replace tired summer bedding plants in hanging baskets or containers for instant colour that will last through until spring.
Your houseplants inside need slightly different care at this time of year too. Despite most of them originating from much warmer climates than our own, as the hours of light and temperature decreases even inside our homes,

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